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The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

scalar String

Member of

AffectedByIssue interface ● AffectedByIssueEdge object ● AggregatedIssueEdge object ● AggregatedIssueRelationEdge object ● Artefact object ● ArtefactEdge object ● ArtefactTemplate object ● ArtefactTemplateEdge object ● artefactTemplates query ● AssignmentEdge object ● AssignmentType object ● AssignmentTypeEdge object ● AssignmentTypeInput input ● AuditedNodeEdge object ● BasePermission interface ● BasePermissionEdge object ● BaseTemplate interface ● Body object ● ChangeIssueTemplatedFieldInput input ● ChangeIssueTitleInput input ● Comment interface ● Component object ● ComponentEdge object ● ComponentPermission object ● ComponentPermissionEdge object ● components query ● ComponentTemplate object ● ComponentTemplateEdge object ● componentTemplates query ● ComponentVersion object ● ComponentVersionEdge object ● ComponentVersionInput input ● ComponentVersionTemplate object ● CreateArtefactInput input ● CreateArtefactTemplateInput input ● CreateComponentInput input ● CreateComponentPermissionInput input ● CreateComponentTemplateInput input ● CreateComponentVersionInput input ● CreateGlobalPermissionInput input ● CreateIMSInput input ● CreateIMSPermissionInput input ● CreateIMSProjectInput input ● CreateInterfacePartInput input ● CreateInterfaceSpecificationInput input ● CreateInterfaceSpecificationTemplateInput input ● CreateInterfaceSpecificationVersionInput input ● CreateIntraComponentDependencySpecificationInput input ● CreateIssueCommentInput input ● CreateIssueInput input ● CreateIssueTemplateInput input ● CreateLabelInput input ● CreateProjectInput input ● CreateProjectPermissionInput input ● CreateRelationTemplateInput input ● deprecated directive ● FillStyle object ● FillStyleInput input ● GlobalPermission object ● GlobalPermissionEdge object ● globalPermissions query ● GropiusUser object ● GropiusUserEdge object ● IMS object ● IMSEdge object ● IMSIssueEdge object ● IMSIssueTemplate object ● IMSPermission object ● IMSPermissionEdge object ● IMSProject object ● IMSProjectEdge object ● IMSProjectTemplate object ● imss query ● IMSTemplate object ● IMSTemplateEdge object ● imsTemplates query ● IMSUser object ● IMSUserEdge object ● IMSUserTemplate object ● Interface object ● InterfaceDefinitionEdge object ● InterfaceDefinitionTemplate object ● InterfaceEdge object ● InterfacePart object ● InterfacePartEdge object ● InterfacePartInput input ● InterfacePartTemplate object ● InterfaceSpecification object ● InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionEdge object ● InterfaceSpecificationEdge object ● InterfaceSpecificationInput input ● InterfaceSpecificationTemplate object ● InterfaceSpecificationTemplateEdge object ● interfaceSpecificationTemplates query ● InterfaceSpecificationVersion object ● InterfaceSpecificationVersionEdge object ● InterfaceSpecificationVersionInput input ● InterfaceSpecificationVersionTemplate object ● InterfaceTemplate object ● IntraComponentDependencyParticipantEdge object ● IntraComponentDependencySpecification object ● IntraComponentDependencySpecificationEdge object ● Issue object ● IssueComment object ● IssueCommentEdge object ● IssueEdge object ● IssuePriority object ● IssuePriorityEdge object ● IssuePriorityInput input ● IssueRelationEdge object ● IssueRelationType object ● IssueRelationTypeEdge object ● IssueRelationTypeInput input ● IssueState object ● IssueStateEdge object ● IssueStateInput input ● IssueTemplate object ● IssueTemplateEdge object ● issueTemplates query ● IssueType object ● IssueTypeEdge object ● IssueTypeInput input ● JSONField object ● JSONFieldInput input ● Label object ● LabelEdge object ● Named interface ● NamedAuditedNode interface ● NamedNode interface ● NodePermission interface ● NullableStringFilterInput input ● NullableSubTemplateInput input ● PageInfo object ● Project object ● ProjectEdge object ● ProjectPermission object ● ProjectPermissionEdge object ● projects query ● RelationConditionEdge object ● RelationEdge object ● RelationPartner interface ● RelationPartnerTemplate interface ● RelationPartnerTemplateEdge object ● RelationTemplate object ● RelationTemplateEdge object ● relationTemplates query ● RemovedTemplatedFieldEvent object ● searchAffectedByIssues query ● searchAssignmentTypes query ● searchComponentPermissions query ● searchComponents query ● searchComponentTemplates query ● searchComponentVersions query ● searchGlobalPermissions query ● searchGropiusUsers query ● searchIMSPermissions query ● searchIssuePriorities query ● searchIssueRelationTypes query ● searchIssues query ● searchIssueStates query ● searchIssueTemplates query ● searchIssueTypes query ● searchLabels query ● searchProjectPermissions query ● searchProjects query ● searchRelationTemplates query ● searchTrackables query ● searchUsers query ● specifiedBy directive ● StringFilterInput input ● StrokeStyle object ● StrokeStyleInput input ● SubTemplate interface ● SubTemplateInput input ● SyncPermissionTarget interface ● SyncPermissionTargetEdge object ● Template interface ● TemplatedFieldChangedEvent object ● TimelineItemEdge object ● TitleChangedEvent object ● Trackable interface ● TrackableEdge object ● UpdateArtefactInput input ● UpdateBodyInput input ● UpdateComponentInput input ● UpdateComponentPermissionInput input ● UpdateComponentVersionInput input ● UpdateGlobalPermissionInput input ● UpdateGropiusUserInput input ● UpdateIMSInput input ● UpdateIMSPermissionInput input ● UpdateIMSProjectInput input ● UpdateInterfaceInput input ● UpdateInterfacePartInput input ● UpdateInterfaceSpecificationInput input ● UpdateInterfaceSpecificationVersionInput input ● UpdateIntraComponentDependencySpecificationInput input ● UpdateIssueCommentInput input ● UpdateLabelInput input ● UpdateProjectInput input ● UpdateProjectPermissionInput input ● User interface ● UserEdge object ● Versioned interface