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Base type for both Template and SubTemplate. Defines templated fields with specific types (defined using JSON schema). READ is always granted.

interface BaseTemplate implements BaseNode, Named, NamedNode, Node {
description: String!
permission: AllPermissionEntry
): Boolean!
id: ID!
name: String!
namePrefix: String
): [JSONField!]!


BaseTemplate.description ● String! non-null scalar

The description of this entity.

BaseTemplate.hasPermission ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Checks if the current user has a specific permission on this Node

BaseTemplate.hasPermission.permission ● AllPermissionEntry enum

The permission to check for ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique id of this node ● String! non-null scalar

The name of this entity.

BaseTemplate.templateFieldSpecifications ● [JSONField!]! non-null object

All template field specifications, if a namePrefix is provided, only those matching it

BaseTemplate.templateFieldSpecifications.namePrefix ● String scalar

Name of the extension field.


BaseNode interface

Shared extensions to the node type.

Named interface

Entity with a name and a description.

NamedNode interface

Node with a name and description

Node interface

Base class of all nodes

Implemented by

ArtefactTemplate object ● ComponentTemplate object ● ComponentVersionTemplate object ● IMSIssueTemplate object ● IMSProjectTemplate object ● IMSTemplate object ● IMSUserTemplate object ● InterfaceDefinitionTemplate object ● InterfacePartTemplate object ● InterfaceSpecificationTemplate object ● InterfaceSpecificationVersionTemplate object ● InterfaceTemplate object ● IssueTemplate object ● RelationPartnerTemplate interface ● RelationTemplate object ● SubTemplate interface ● Template interface