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Interface for all types which support templates.

interface TemplatedNode {
name: String!
names: [String!]
prefixMatching: Boolean
): [JSONField!]!


TemplatedNode.templatedField ● JSON scalar

Value of a field defined by the template. Error if such a field is not defined. ● String! non-null scalar

Name of the extension field

TemplatedNode.templatedFields ● [JSONField!]! non-null object

All templatedFields If names is provided, only those matching the name. If prefixMatching is true, matching is done by prefix, otherwise by full name.

TemplatedNode.templatedFields.names ● [String!] list scalar

Names of the templated fields. If not provided, all templatedFields.

TemplatedNode.templatedFields.prefixMatching ● Boolean scalar

If true, name matching is performed as prefix matching, otherwise as absolute match. Defaults to absolute matching

Implemented by

Artefact object ● Component object ● ComponentVersion object ● IMS object ● IMSIssue object ● IMSProject object ● IMSUser object ● Interface object ● InterfaceDefinition object ● InterfacePart object ● InterfaceSpecification object ● InterfaceSpecificationVersion object ● Issue object ● MutableTemplatedNode interface ● Relation object ● RelationPartner interface