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An Issue in the Gropius system. Issues can be used to report bugs, request features, ask questions, ... Issues are synced to all IMSProjects of Trackables they are part of. All changes to the Issue are reflected by the timeline. READ is granted if READ is granted on any Trackable in trackables. Caution: due to confidentiality reasons, updates to incomingRelations do not cause updates on lastModifiedBy and participants, however, lastModifiedAt and lastUpdatedAt is still changed. The same applies to RelatedByIssueEvent, RemovedIncomingRelationEvent and IncomingRelationTypeChangedEvent.

type Issue implements AuditedNode, BaseNode, MutableTemplatedNode, Node, TemplatedNode {
after: String
before: String
filter: AffectedByIssueFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [AffectedByIssueOrder!]
skip: Int
): AffectedByIssueConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: AggregatedIssueFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [AggregatedIssueOrder!]
skip: Int
): AggregatedIssueConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: ArtefactFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [ArtefactOrder!]
skip: Int
): ArtefactConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: AssignmentFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [AssignmentOrder!]
skip: Int
): AssignmentConnection!
body: Body!
createdAt: DateTime!
createdBy: User!
dueDate: DateTime
estimatedTime: Duration
permission: AllPermissionEntry
): Boolean!
id: ID!
after: String
before: String
filter: IMSIssueFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [IMSIssueOrder!]
skip: Int
): IMSIssueConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: IssueRelationFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [IssueRelationOrder!]
skip: Int
): IssueRelationConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: IssueCommentFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [IssueCommentOrder!]
skip: Int
): IssueCommentConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: LabelFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [LabelOrder!]
skip: Int
): LabelConnection!
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedBy: User!
lastUpdatedAt: DateTime!
after: String
before: String
filter: IssueRelationFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [IssueRelationOrder!]
skip: Int
): IssueRelationConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: UserFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [UserOrder!]
skip: Int
): UserConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: TrackableFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [TrackableOrder!]
skip: Int
): TrackableConnection!
priority: IssuePriority
spentTime: Duration
startDate: DateTime
state: IssueState!
template: IssueTemplate!
name: String!
names: [String!]
prefixMatching: Boolean
): [JSONField!]!
after: String
before: String
filter: TimelineItemFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [TimelineItemOrder!]
skip: Int
): TimelineItemConnection!
title: String!
after: String
before: String
filter: TrackableFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [TrackableOrder!]
skip: Int
): TrackableConnection!
type: IssueType!


Issue.affects ● AffectedByIssueConnection! non-null object

Entities which are in some regard affected by this Issue.

Issue.affects.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.affects.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.affects.filter ● AffectedByIssueFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.affects.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.affects.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.affects.orderBy ● [AffectedByIssueOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.affects.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.aggregatedBy ● AggregatedIssueConnection! non-null object

AggregatedIssues which aggregate this Issue.

Issue.aggregatedBy.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.aggregatedBy.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.aggregatedBy.filter ● AggregatedIssueFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.aggregatedBy.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.aggregatedBy.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.aggregatedBy.orderBy ● [AggregatedIssueOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.aggregatedBy.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.artefacts ● ArtefactConnection! non-null object

Artefacts currently assigned to the Issue. For the history, see timelineItems.

Issue.artefacts.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.artefacts.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.artefacts.filter ● ArtefactFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.artefacts.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.artefacts.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.artefacts.orderBy ● [ArtefactOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.artefacts.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.assignments ● AssignmentConnection! non-null object

Current Assignments to this Issue. For the history, see timelineItems.

Issue.assignments.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.assignments.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.assignments.filter ● AssignmentFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.assignments.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.assignments.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.assignments.orderBy ● [AssignmentOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.assignments.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.body ● Body! non-null object

The Body of the Issue, a Comment directly associated with the Issue.

Issue.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The DateTime this entity was created at.

Issue.createdBy ● User! non-null interface

The User who created this entity.

Issue.dueDate ● DateTime scalar

DateTime when working on this Issue should be finished.

Issue.estimatedTime ● Duration scalar

Estimated amount of time necessary for this Issue.

Issue.hasPermission ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Checks if the current user has a specific permission on this Node

Issue.hasPermission.permission ● AllPermissionEntry enum

The permission to check for ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique id of this node

Issue.imsIssues ● IMSIssueConnection! non-null object

Descriptions of each IMSProject this issue is synced to containing information specified by the sync

Issue.imsIssues.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.imsIssues.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.imsIssues.filter ● IMSIssueFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.imsIssues.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.imsIssues.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.imsIssues.orderBy ● [IMSIssueOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.imsIssues.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.incomingRelations ● IssueRelationConnection! non-null object

Current IssueRelations which have this Issue as end point.

Issue.incomingRelations.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.incomingRelations.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.incomingRelations.filter ● IssueRelationFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.incomingRelations.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.incomingRelations.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.incomingRelations.orderBy ● [IssueRelationOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.incomingRelations.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.issueComments ● IssueCommentConnection! non-null object

Comments on the Issue, subset of the timeline.

Issue.issueComments.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.issueComments.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.issueComments.filter ● IssueCommentFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.issueComments.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.issueComments.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.issueComments.orderBy ● [IssueCommentOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.issueComments.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.labels ● LabelConnection! non-null object

Labels currently assigned to the Issue. For the history, see timelineItems.

Issue.labels.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.labels.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.labels.filter ● LabelFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.labels.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.labels.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.labels.orderBy ● [LabelOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.labels.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The DateTime this entity was last modified at.

Issue.lastModifiedBy ● User! non-null interface

The User who last modified this entity.

Issue.lastUpdatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The DateTime when the Issue was last updated, this includes a changed timeline.

Issue.outgoingRelations ● IssueRelationConnection! non-null object

Current IssueRelations which have this Issue as start point.

Issue.outgoingRelations.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.outgoingRelations.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.outgoingRelations.filter ● IssueRelationFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.outgoingRelations.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.outgoingRelations.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.outgoingRelations.orderBy ● [IssueRelationOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.outgoingRelations.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.participants ● UserConnection! non-null object

Users who participated on the Issue, e.g. commented, added Labels, ...

Issue.participants.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.participants.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.participants.filter ● UserFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.participants.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.participants.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.participants.orderBy ● [UserOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.participants.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.pinnedOn ● TrackableConnection! non-null object

Trackables this Issue is currently pinned on. For the history, see timelineItems.

Issue.pinnedOn.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.pinnedOn.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.pinnedOn.filter ● TrackableFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.pinnedOn.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.pinnedOn.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.pinnedOn.orderBy ● [TrackableOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.pinnedOn.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.priority ● IssuePriority object

The priority of the Issue, e.g. HIGH. Allowed IssuePriorities are defined by the template.

Issue.spentTime ● Duration scalar

Time spent working on this Issue.

Issue.startDate ● DateTime scalar

DateTime when working on this Issue started / will start.

Issue.state ● IssueState! non-null object

The state of the Issue, e.g. OPEN. Allowed IssueStates are defined by the template. The state also defines if this Issue is considered open or closed.

Issue.template ● IssueTemplate! non-null object

The Template of this Issue.

Issue.templatedField ● JSON scalar

Value of a field defined by the template. Error if such a field is not defined. ● String! non-null scalar

Name of the extension field

Issue.templatedFields ● [JSONField!]! non-null object

All templatedFields If names is provided, only those matching the name. If prefixMatching is true, matching is done by prefix, otherwise by full name.

Issue.templatedFields.names ● [String!] list scalar

Names of the templated fields. If not provided, all templatedFields.

Issue.templatedFields.prefixMatching ● Boolean scalar

If true, name matching is performed as prefix matching, otherwise as absolute match. Defaults to absolute matching

Issue.timelineItems ● TimelineItemConnection! non-null object

Timeline of the Issue, shows how the Issue changed over time.

Issue.timelineItems.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.timelineItems.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.timelineItems.filter ● TimelineItemFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.timelineItems.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.timelineItems.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.timelineItems.orderBy ● [TimelineItemOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.timelineItems.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.title ● String! non-null scalar

Title of the Issue, usually a short description of the Issue.

Issue.trackables ● TrackableConnection! non-null object

Trackables this Issue is part of.

Issue.trackables.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Issue.trackables.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Issue.trackables.filter ● TrackableFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Issue.trackables.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Issue.trackables.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Issue.trackables.orderBy ● [TrackableOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Issue.trackables.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Issue.type ● IssueType! non-null object

The type of the Issue, e.g. BUG. Allowed IssueTypes are defined by the template.


AuditedNode interface

Node which provides auditing information, which can e.g. be used for the sync. When it was created and last modified, if the it is already deleted, and by who it was created and last modified. A modification is any change of a field on the node itself and a change of a relation (add or removed). A change on a related related node is not a modification.

BaseNode interface

Shared extensions to the node type.

MutableTemplatedNode interface

Interface for all types which support templates describing user writeable fields.

Node interface

Base class of all nodes

TemplatedNode interface

Interface for all types which support templates.

Returned by

searchIssues query

Member of

AbstractTypeChangedEvent interface ● AddedAffectedEntityEvent object ● AddedArtefactEvent object ● AddedLabelEvent object ● AddedToPinnedIssuesEvent object ● AddedToTrackableEvent object ● Assignment object ● AssignmentTypeChangedEvent object ● Body object ● Comment interface ● CreateIssuePayload object ● IMSIssue object ● IncomingRelationTypeChangedEvent object ● IssueComment object ● IssueConnection object ● IssueEdge object ● IssueRelation object ● OutgoingRelationTypeChangedEvent object ● ParentTimelineItem interface ● PriorityChangedEvent object ● RelatedByIssueEvent object ● RelationTypeChangedEvent interface ● RemovedAffectedEntityEvent object ● RemovedArtefactEvent object ● RemovedAssignmentEvent object ● RemovedFromPinnedIssuesEvent object ● RemovedFromTrackableEvent object ● RemovedIncomingRelationEvent object ● RemovedLabelEvent object ● RemovedOutgoingRelationEvent object ● RemovedRelationEvent interface ● RemovedTemplatedFieldEvent object ● StateChangedEvent object ● TemplateChangedEvent object ● TemplatedFieldChangedEvent object ● TimelineItem interface ● TitleChangedEvent object ● TypeChangedEvent object