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Filter used to filter IMSIssue

input IMSIssueFilterInput {
and: [IMSIssueFilterInput!]
id: IDFilterInput
imsProject: IMSProjectFilterInput
issue: IssueFilterInput
not: IMSIssueFilterInput
or: [IMSIssueFilterInput!]
template: IMSIssueTemplateFilterInput
templatedFields: [JSONFieldInput]


IMSIssueFilterInput.and ● [IMSIssueFilterInput!] list input

Connects all subformulas via and ● IDFilterInput input

Filter by id

IMSIssueFilterInput.imsProject ● IMSProjectFilterInput input

Filters for nodes where the related node match this filter

IMSIssueFilterInput.issue ● IssueFilterInput input

Filters for nodes where the related node match this filter

IMSIssueFilterInput.not ● IMSIssueFilterInput input

Negates the subformula

IMSIssueFilterInput.or ● [IMSIssueFilterInput!] list input

Connects all subformulas via or

IMSIssueFilterInput.template ● IMSIssueTemplateFilterInput input

Filters for nodes where the related node match this filter

IMSIssueFilterInput.templatedFields ● [JSONFieldInput] list input

Filter for templated fields with matching key and values. Entries are joined by AND

Member of

IMSIssueFilterInput input ● IMSIssueListFilterInput input