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Input for the changeIssueTemplate mutation

input ChangeIssueTemplateInput {
assignmentTypeMapping: [TypeMappingInput!]
issue: ID!
issueRelationTypeMapping: [TypeMappingInput!]
priority: ID
state: ID
template: ID!
templatedFields: [JSONFieldInput!]
type: ID


ChangeIssueTemplateInput.assignmentTypeMapping ● [TypeMappingInput!] list input

Mapping to map existing Assignment Types to new ones

ChangeIssueTemplateInput.issue ● ID! non-null scalar

The Issue to update the template of

ChangeIssueTemplateInput.issueRelationTypeMapping ● [TypeMappingInput!] list input

Mapping to map existing IssueRelationTypes to new ones

ChangeIssueTemplateInput.priority ● ID scalar

The new priority of the Issue

ChangeIssueTemplateInput.state ● ID scalar

The new state of the Issue, required if the old one is not compatible with the new template

ChangeIssueTemplateInput.template ● ID! non-null scalar

If provided, the id of the new template for the Issue

ChangeIssueTemplateInput.templatedFields ● [JSONFieldInput!] list input

Values for templatedFields to update, required to ensure compatibility with the new template

ChangeIssueTemplateInput.type ● ID scalar

The new type of the Issue, required if the old one is not compatible with the new template

Member of

changeIssueTemplate mutation