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Input for the updateProject mutation

input UpdateProjectInput {
addedPermissions: [ID!]
description: String
id: ID!
name: String
removedPermissions: [ID!]
repositoryURL: URL


UpdateProjectInput.addedPermissions ● [ID!] list scalar

Ids of permissions to add, must be disjoint with removedPermissions.

UpdateProjectInput.description ● String scalar

The description of the NamedNode ● ID! non-null scalar

The id of the node to update ● String scalar

The new name of the NamedNode, must not be empty

UpdateProjectInput.removedPermissions ● [ID!] list scalar

Ids of permissions to remove, must be disjoint with addedPermissions. There must always be at least one permissions granting ADMIN to some GropiusUser left.

UpdateProjectInput.repositoryURL ● URL scalar

The repositoryURL of the named node

Member of

updateProject mutation