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Input for the updateArtefact mutation

input UpdateArtefactInput {
file: URL
from: Int
id: ID!
template: ID
templatedFields: [JSONFieldInput!]
to: Int
version: String


UpdateArtefactInput.file ● URL scalar

The new file of the Artefact

UpdateArtefactInput.from ● Int scalar

The new value of the from field of the Artefact ● ID! non-null scalar

The id of the node to update

UpdateArtefactInput.template ● ID scalar

If provided, the id of the new template for the Artefact Use templatedFields to update fields so that they conform with the new specifications. No longer needed fields are automatically removed.

UpdateArtefactInput.templatedFields ● [JSONFieldInput!] list input

Values for templatedFields to update ● Int scalar

The new value of the to field of the Artefact

UpdateArtefactInput.version ● String scalar

New version of the Artefact

Member of

updateArtefact mutation