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Input for the createRelationTemplate mutation

input CreateRelationTemplateInput {
description: String!
extends: [ID!]
markerType: MarkerType!
name: String!
relationConditions: [RelationConditionInput!]!
stroke: StrokeStyleInput
templateFieldSpecifications: [JSONFieldInput!]


CreateRelationTemplateInput.description ● String! non-null scalar

The description of the NamedNode

CreateRelationTemplateInput.extends ● [ID!] list scalar

IDs of Templates the created template extends. Must be templates of the same type.

CreateRelationTemplateInput.markerType ● MarkerType! non-null enum

The type of the marker at the end of the relation. ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the NamedNode, must not be blank

CreateRelationTemplateInput.relationConditions ● [RelationConditionInput!]! non-null input

Defines which Relations can use the created Template, at least one RelationCondition has to match (logical OR)

CreateRelationTemplateInput.stroke ● StrokeStyleInput input

Style of the stroke

CreateRelationTemplateInput.templateFieldSpecifications ● [JSONFieldInput!] list input

Additional initial templateFieldSpecifications, should be a JSON schema JSON. Must be disjoint with templateFieldSpecifications of templates this template extends.

Member of

createRelationTemplate mutation