📄️ AddAffectedEntityToIssueInput
Input for the addAffectedEntityToIssue mutation
📄️ AddArtefactToIssueInput
Input for the addArtefactToIssue mutation
📄️ AddComponentVersionToProjectInput
Input for the addComponentVersionToProject mutation
📄️ AddInterfaceSpecificationVersionToComponentVersionInput
Input for the addInterfaceSpecificationVersionToComponentVersion mutation
📄️ AddIssueToPinnedIssuesInput
Input for the addIssueToPinnedIssues mutation
📄️ AddIssueToTrackableInput
Input for the addIssueToTrackable mutation
📄️ AddLabelToIssueInput
Input for the addLabelToIssue mutation
📄️ AddLabelToTrackableInput
Input for the addLabelToTrackable mutation
📄️ AffectedByIssueFilterInput
Filter used to filter AffectedByIssue
📄️ AffectedByIssueListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ AffectedByIssueOrder
Defines the order of a AffectedByIssue list
📄️ AggregatedIssueFilterInput
Filter used to filter AggregatedIssue
📄️ AggregatedIssueListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ AggregatedIssueOrder
Defines the order of a AggregatedIssue list
📄️ AggregatedIssueRelationFilterInput
Filter used to filter AggregatedIssueRelation
📄️ AggregatedIssueRelationListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ AggregatedIssueRelationOrder
Defines the order of a AggregatedIssueRelation list
📄️ ArtefactFilterInput
Filter used to filter Artefact
📄️ ArtefactListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ ArtefactOrder
Defines the order of a Artefact list
📄️ ArtefactTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter ArtefactTemplate
📄️ ArtefactTemplateListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ ArtefactTemplateOrder
Defines the order of a ArtefactTemplate list
📄️ AssignmentFilterInput
Filter used to filter Assignment
📄️ AssignmentListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ AssignmentOrder
Defines the order of a Assignment list
📄️ AssignmentTypeFilterInput
Filter used to filter AssignmentType
📄️ AssignmentTypeInput
Input to create an AssignmentType
📄️ AssignmentTypeListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ AssignmentTypeOrder
Defines the order of a AssignmentType list
📄️ AuditedNodeFilterInput
Filter used to filter AuditedNode
📄️ AuditedNodeListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ AuditedNodeOrder
Defines the order of a AuditedNode list
📄️ BasePermissionFilterInput
Filter used to filter BasePermission
📄️ BasePermissionListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ BasePermissionOrder
Defines the order of a BasePermission list
📄️ BodyFilterInput
Filter used to filter Body
📄️ BooleanFilterInput
Filter which can be used to filter for Nodes with a specific Boolean field
📄️ BulkCreateComponentInput
Input for the bulkCreateComponent mutation
📄️ BulkCreateRelationInput
Input to create multiple Components
📄️ ChangeAssignmentTypeInput
Input for the changeAssignmentType mutation
📄️ ChangeIssuePriorityInput
Input for the changeIssuePriority mutation
📄️ ChangeIssueRelationTypeInput
Input for the changeIssueRelationType mutation
📄️ ChangeIssueStateInput
Input for the changeIssueState mutation
📄️ ChangeIssueTemplateInput
Input for the changeIssueTemplate mutation
📄️ ChangeIssueTemplatedFieldInput
Input for the changeIssueTemplatedField mutations
📄️ ChangeIssueTitleInput
Input for the changeIssueTitle mutation
📄️ ChangeIssueTypeInput
Input for the changeIssueType mutation
📄️ CommentFilterInput
Filter used to filter Comment
📄️ ComponentFilterInput
Filter used to filter Component
📄️ ComponentListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ ComponentOrder
Defines the order of a Component list
📄️ ComponentPermissionFilterInput
Filter used to filter ComponentPermission
📄️ ComponentPermissionListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ ComponentPermissionOrder
Defines the order of a ComponentPermission list
📄️ ComponentTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter ComponentTemplate
📄️ ComponentTemplateListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ ComponentTemplateOrder
Defines the order of a ComponentTemplate list
📄️ ComponentVersionFilterInput
Filter used to filter ComponentVersion
📄️ ComponentVersionInput
Input to create a ComponentVersion
📄️ ComponentVersionListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ ComponentVersionOrder
Defines the order of a ComponentVersion list
📄️ ComponentVersionTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter ComponentVersionTemplate
📄️ CreateArtefactInput
Input for the createArtefact mutation
📄️ CreateArtefactTemplateInput
Input for the createArtefactTemplate mutation
📄️ CreateAssignmentInput
Input for the createAssignment mutation
📄️ CreateComponentInput
Input for the createComponent mutation
📄️ CreateComponentPermissionInput
Input for the createComponentPermission mutation
📄️ CreateComponentTemplateInput
Input for the createComponentTemplate mutation
📄️ CreateComponentVersionInput
Input for the createComponentVersion mutation
📄️ CreateGlobalPermissionInput
Input for the createGlobalPermission mutation
📄️ CreateIMSInput
Input for the createIMS mutation
📄️ CreateIMSPermissionInput
Input for the createIMSPermission mutation
📄️ CreateIMSProjectInput
Input for the createIMSProject mutation
📄️ CreateInterfacePartInput
Input for the createInterfacePart mutation
📄️ CreateInterfaceSpecificationInput
Input for the createInterfaceSpecification mutation
📄️ CreateInterfaceSpecificationTemplateInput
Input for the createInterfaceSpecificationTemplate mutation
📄️ CreateInterfaceSpecificationVersionInput
Input for the createInterfaceSpecificationVersion mutation
📄️ CreateIntraComponentDependencySpecificationInput
Input for the createIntraComponentDependencySpecification mutation
📄️ CreateIssueCommentInput
Input for the createIssueComment mutation
📄️ CreateIssueInput
Input for the createIssue mutation
📄️ CreateIssueRelationInput
Input for the createIssueRelation mutation
📄️ CreateIssueTemplateInput
Input for the createIssueTemplate mutation.
📄️ CreateLabelInput
Input for the createLabel mutation
📄️ CreateProjectInput
Input for the createProject mutation
📄️ CreateProjectPermissionInput
Input for the createProjectPermission mutation
📄️ CreateRelationInput
Input for the createRelation mutation
📄️ CreateRelationTemplateInput
Input for the createRelationTemplate mutation
📄️ DateTimeFilterInput
Filter which can be used to filter for Nodes with a specific DateTime field
📄️ DeleteNodeInput
Input for all delete mutations. Deletes the node with the specified id
📄️ FillStyleInput
Input to create a FillStyle
📄️ FloatFilterInput
Filter which can be used to filter for Nodes with a specific Float field
📄️ GlobalPermissionFilterInput
Filter used to filter GlobalPermission
📄️ GlobalPermissionOrder
Defines the order of a GlobalPermission list
📄️ GropiusUserFilterInput
Filter used to filter GropiusUser
📄️ GropiusUserListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ GropiusUserOrder
Defines the order of a GropiusUser list
📄️ IDFilterInput
Filter which can be used to filter for Nodes with a specific ID field
📄️ IMSFilterInput
Filter used to filter IMS
📄️ IMSIssueFilterInput
Filter used to filter IMSIssue
📄️ IMSIssueListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IMSIssueOrder
Defines the order of a IMSIssue list
📄️ IMSIssueTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter IMSIssueTemplate
📄️ IMSListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IMSOrder
Defines the order of a IMS list
📄️ IMSPermissionFilterInput
Filter used to filter IMSPermission
📄️ IMSPermissionListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IMSPermissionOrder
Defines the order of a IMSPermission list
📄️ IMSProjectFilterInput
Filter used to filter IMSProject
📄️ IMSProjectListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IMSProjectOrder
Defines the order of a IMSProject list
📄️ IMSProjectTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter IMSProjectTemplate
📄️ IMSTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter IMSTemplate
📄️ IMSTemplateListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IMSTemplateOrder
Defines the order of a IMSTemplate list
📄️ IMSUserFilterInput
Filter used to filter IMSUser
📄️ IMSUserListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IMSUserOrder
Defines the order of a IMSUser list
📄️ IMSUserTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter IMSUserTemplate
📄️ IntFilterInput
Filter which can be used to filter for Nodes with a specific Int field
📄️ InterfaceDefinitionFilterInput
Filter used to filter InterfaceDefinition
📄️ InterfaceDefinitionListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ InterfaceDefinitionOrder
Defines the order of a InterfaceDefinition list
📄️ InterfaceDefinitionTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter InterfaceDefinitionTemplate
📄️ InterfaceFilterInput
Filter used to filter Interface
📄️ InterfaceOrder
Defines the order of a Interface list
📄️ InterfacePartFilterInput
Filter used to filter InterfacePart
📄️ InterfacePartInput
Input to create an InterfacePart
📄️ InterfacePartListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ InterfacePartOrder
Defines the order of a InterfacePart list
📄️ InterfacePartTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter InterfacePartTemplate
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionFilterInput
Filter used to filter InterfaceSpecificationDerivationCondition
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionInput
Input to create a InterfaceSpecificationDerivationCondition
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionOrder
Defines the order of a InterfaceSpecificationDerivationCondition list
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationFilterInput
Filter used to filter InterfaceSpecification
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationInput
Input to create an InterfaceSpecification
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationOrder
Defines the order of a InterfaceSpecification list
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter InterfaceSpecificationTemplate
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationTemplateListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationTemplateOrder
Defines the order of a InterfaceSpecificationTemplate list
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationVersionFilterInput
Filter used to filter InterfaceSpecificationVersion
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationVersionInput
Input to create an InterfaceSpecificationVersion
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationVersionListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationVersionOrder
Defines the order of a InterfaceSpecificationVersion list
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationVersionTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter InterfaceSpecificationVersionTemplate
📄️ InterfaceTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter InterfaceTemplate
📄️ IntraComponentDependencyParticipantFilterInput
Filter used to filter IntraComponentDependencyParticipant
📄️ IntraComponentDependencyParticipantInput
Input to create a IntraComponentDependencyParticipant
📄️ IntraComponentDependencyParticipantListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IntraComponentDependencyParticipantOrder
Defines the order of a IntraComponentDependencyParticipant list
📄️ IntraComponentDependencySpecificationFilterInput
Filter used to filter IntraComponentDependencySpecification
📄️ IntraComponentDependencySpecificationListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IntraComponentDependencySpecificationOrder
Defines the order of a IntraComponentDependencySpecification list
📄️ IssueCommentFilterInput
Filter used to filter IssueComment
📄️ IssueCommentListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IssueCommentOrder
Defines the order of a IssueComment list
📄️ IssueFilterInput
Filter used to filter Issue
📄️ IssueListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IssueOrder
Defines the order of a Issue list
📄️ IssuePriorityFilterInput
Filter used to filter IssuePriority
📄️ IssuePriorityInput
Input to create an IssuePriority
📄️ IssuePriorityListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IssuePriorityOrder
Defines the order of a IssuePriority list
📄️ IssueRelationFilterInput
Filter used to filter IssueRelation
📄️ IssueRelationListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IssueRelationOrder
Defines the order of a IssueRelation list
📄️ IssueRelationTypeFilterInput
Filter used to filter IssueRelationType
📄️ IssueRelationTypeInput
Input to create an IssueRelationType
📄️ IssueRelationTypeListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IssueRelationTypeOrder
Defines the order of a IssueRelationType list
📄️ IssueStateFilterInput
Filter used to filter IssueState
📄️ IssueStateInput
Input to create an IssueState
📄️ IssueStateListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IssueStateOrder
Defines the order of a IssueState list
📄️ IssueTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter IssueTemplate
📄️ IssueTemplateListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IssueTemplateOrder
Defines the order of a IssueTemplate list
📄️ IssueTypeFilterInput
Filter used to filter IssueType
📄️ IssueTypeInput
Input to create an IssueType
📄️ IssueTypeListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ IssueTypeOrder
Defines the order of a IssueType list
📄️ JSONFieldInput
Input set update the value of a JSON field, like an extension field or a templated field.
📄️ LabelFilterInput
Filter used to filter Label
📄️ LabelListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ LabelOrder
Defines the order of a Label list
📄️ NodePermissionFilterEntry
No description
📄️ NullableDateTimeFilterInput
Filter which can be used to filter for Nodes with a specific DateTime field
📄️ NullableDurationFilterInputFilterInput
Filter which can be used to filter for Nodes with a specific Duration field
📄️ NullableIntFilterInput
Filter which can be used to filter for Nodes with a specific Int field
📄️ NullableStringFilterInput
Filter which can be used to filter for Nodes with a specific String field
📄️ NullableSubTemplateInput
Input to create a SubTemplate, where all templatedFieldSpecifications must allow null as value
📄️ ParentTimelineItemFilterInput
Filter used to filter ParentTimelineItem
📄️ ProjectFilterInput
Filter used to filter Project
📄️ ProjectListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ ProjectOrder
Defines the order of a Project list
📄️ ProjectPermissionFilterInput
Filter used to filter ProjectPermission
📄️ ProjectPermissionListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ ProjectPermissionOrder
Defines the order of a ProjectPermission list
📄️ RelationConditionFilterInput
Filter used to filter RelationCondition
📄️ RelationConditionInput
Input to create a RelationCondition
📄️ RelationConditionListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ RelationConditionOrder
Defines the order of a RelationCondition list
📄️ RelationFilterInput
Filter used to filter Relation
📄️ RelationListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ RelationOrder
Defines the order of a Relation list
📄️ RelationPartnerFilterInput
Filter used to filter RelationPartner
📄️ RelationPartnerTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter RelationPartnerTemplate
📄️ RelationPartnerTemplateListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ RelationPartnerTemplateOrder
Defines the order of a RelationPartnerTemplate list
📄️ RelationTemplateFilterInput
Filter used to filter RelationTemplate
📄️ RelationTemplateListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ RelationTemplateOrder
Defines the order of a RelationTemplate list
📄️ RemoveAffectedEntityFromIssueInput
Input for the removeAffectedEntityFromIssue mutation
📄️ RemoveArtefactFromIssueInput
Input for the removeArtefactFromIssue mutation
📄️ RemoveAssignmentInput
Input for the removeAssignment mutations
📄️ RemoveComponentVersionFromProjectInput
Input for the removeComponentVersionFromProject mutation
📄️ RemoveInterfaceSpecificationVersionFromComponentVersionInput
Input for the removeInterfaceSpecificationVersionfromComponentVersion mutation
📄️ RemoveIssueFromPinnedIssuesInput
Input for the removeIssueFromPinnedIssues mutation
📄️ RemoveIssueFromTrackableInput
Input for the removeIssueFromTrackable mutation
📄️ RemoveIssueRelationInput
Input for the removeIssueRelation mutations
📄️ RemoveLabelFromIssueInput
Input for the removeLabelFromIssue mutation
📄️ RemoveLabelFromTrackableInput
Input for the removeLabelFromTrackable mutation
📄️ StringFilterInput
Filter which can be used to filter for Nodes with a specific String field
📄️ StrokeStyleInput
Input to create a StrokeStyle
📄️ SubTemplateInput
Input to create a SubTemplate
📄️ SyncPermissionTargetFilterInput
Filter used to filter SyncPermissionTarget
📄️ SyncPermissionTargetListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ SyncPermissionTargetOrder
Defines the order of a SyncPermissionTarget list
📄️ TimelineItemFilterInput
Filter used to filter TimelineItem
📄️ TimelineItemListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ TimelineItemOrder
Defines the order of a TimelineItem list
📄️ TrackableFilterInput
Filter used to filter Trackable
📄️ TrackableListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ TrackableOrder
Defines the order of a Trackable list
📄️ TypeMappingInput
Input to map an old type to a new type
📄️ UpdateArtefactInput
Input for the updateArtefact mutation
📄️ UpdateBodyInput
Input for the updateBody mutation
📄️ UpdateComponentInput
Input for the updateComponent mutation
📄️ UpdateComponentPermissionInput
Input for the updateComponentPermission mutation
📄️ UpdateComponentVersionInput
Input for the updateComponentVersion mutation
📄️ UpdateGlobalPermissionInput
Input for the updateGlobalPermission mutation
📄️ UpdateGropiusUserInput
Input for the updateGropiusUserMutation
📄️ UpdateIMSInput
Input for the updateIMS mutation
📄️ UpdateIMSPermissionInput
Input for the updateImsPermission mutation
📄️ UpdateIMSProjectInput
Input for the updateIMSProject mutation
📄️ UpdateInterfaceDefinitionInput
Input for the updateInterfaceDefinition mutation
📄️ UpdateInterfaceInput
Input for the updateInterface mutation
📄️ UpdateInterfacePartInput
Input for the updateInterfacePart mutation
📄️ UpdateInterfaceSpecificationInput
Input for the updateInterfaceSpecification mutation
📄️ UpdateInterfaceSpecificationVersionInput
Input for the updateInterfaceSpecificationVersion mutation
📄️ UpdateIntraComponentDependencySpecificationInput
Input for the updateIntraComponentDependencySpecification mutation
📄️ UpdateIssueCommentInput
Input for the updateIssueComment mutation
📄️ UpdateLabelInput
Input for the updateLabel mutation
📄️ UpdateProjectInput
Input for the updateProject mutation
📄️ UpdateProjectPermissionInput
Input for the updateProjectPermission mutation
📄️ UpdateRelationInput
Input for the updateRelation mutation
📄️ UpdateSyncPermissionsInput
Input for the updateSyncPermissions mutation
📄️ UpdateTemplateDeprecationStatusInput
Input for the updateTemplateDeprecationStatus mutation
📄️ UserFilterInput
Filter used to filter User
📄️ UserListFilterInput
Used to filter by a connection-based property. Fields are joined by AND
📄️ UserOrder
Defines the order of a User list