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Input for the createInterfaceSpecification mutation

input CreateInterfaceSpecificationInput {
component: ID!
description: String!
name: String!
template: ID!
templatedFields: [JSONFieldInput!]!
versions: [InterfaceSpecificationVersionInput!]


CreateInterfaceSpecificationInput.component ● ID! non-null scalar

The id of the Component the created InterfaceSpecification is part of

CreateInterfaceSpecificationInput.description ● String! non-null scalar

The description of the NamedNode ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the NamedNode, must not be blank

CreateInterfaceSpecificationInput.template ● ID! non-null scalar

The template of the created InterfaceSpecification

CreateInterfaceSpecificationInput.templatedFields ● [JSONFieldInput!]! non-null input

Initial values for all templatedFields

CreateInterfaceSpecificationInput.versions ● [InterfaceSpecificationVersionInput!] list input

Initial versions of the InterfaceSpecification

Member of

createInterfaceSpecification mutation