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Input for the updateComponent mutation

input UpdateComponentInput {
addedPermissions: [ID!]
componentVersionTemplatedFields: [JSONFieldInput!]
description: String
id: ID!
name: String
removedPermissions: [ID!]
repositoryURL: URL
template: ID
templatedFields: [JSONFieldInput!]


UpdateComponentInput.addedPermissions ● [ID!] list scalar

Ids of permissions to add, must be disjoint with removedPermissions.

UpdateComponentInput.componentVersionTemplatedFields ● [JSONFieldInput!] list input

Values for templatedFields of ComponentVersions to update. Only evaluated if template is provided! Affect all ComponentVersions of the updated Component

UpdateComponentInput.description ● String scalar

The description of the NamedNode ● ID! non-null scalar

The id of the node to update ● String scalar

The new name of the NamedNode, must not be empty

UpdateComponentInput.removedPermissions ● [ID!] list scalar

Ids of permissions to remove, must be disjoint with addedPermissions. There must always be at least one permissions granting ADMIN to some GropiusUser left.

UpdateComponentInput.repositoryURL ● URL scalar

The repositoryURL of the named node

UpdateComponentInput.template ● ID scalar

If provided, the id of the new template for the Component Use templatedFields to update fields so that they conform with the new specifications. Use componentVersionTemplatedFields to update the templatedFields of ALL ComponentVersions No longer needed fields are automatically removed.

UpdateComponentInput.templatedFields ● [JSONFieldInput!] list input

Values for templatedFields to update

Member of

updateComponent mutation