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A JSON extension field, consisting of a name and a value.

type JSONField {
name: String!
value: JSON

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the field, used as unique identifier.

JSONField.value ● JSON scalar

The value of the JSON field, might be null.

Member of

Artefact object ● ArtefactTemplate object ● BaseTemplate interface ● Component object ● ComponentTemplate object ● ComponentVersion object ● ComponentVersionTemplate object ● IMS object ● IMSIssue object ● IMSIssueTemplate object ● IMSProject object ● IMSProjectTemplate object ● IMSTemplate object ● IMSUser object ● IMSUserTemplate object ● Interface object ● InterfaceDefinition object ● InterfaceDefinitionTemplate object ● InterfacePart object ● InterfacePartTemplate object ● InterfaceSpecification object ● InterfaceSpecificationTemplate object ● InterfaceSpecificationVersion object ● InterfaceSpecificationVersionTemplate object ● InterfaceTemplate object ● Issue object ● IssueTemplate object ● MutableTemplatedNode interface ● Relation object ● RelationPartner interface ● RelationPartnerTemplate interface ● RelationTemplate object ● SubTemplate interface ● Template interface ● TemplatedNode interface