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Condition which defines if a Relation can use a RelationTemplate. A relation can only use the Template, if the start of the Relation has a template in from, and the end of the Relation has a template in to. Also defines which InterfaceSpecifications are derived via the Relation. Part of a RelationTemplate. READ is always granted.

type RelationCondition implements BaseNode, Node {
after: String
before: String
filter: RelationPartnerTemplateFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [RelationPartnerTemplateOrder!]
skip: Int
): RelationPartnerTemplateConnection!
permission: AllPermissionEntry
): Boolean!
id: ID!
after: String
before: String
filter: InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionOrder!]
skip: Int
): InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: RelationTemplateFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [RelationTemplateOrder!]
skip: Int
): RelationTemplateConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: RelationPartnerTemplateFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [RelationPartnerTemplateOrder!]
skip: Int
): RelationPartnerTemplateConnection!


RelationCondition.from ● RelationPartnerTemplateConnection! non-null object

Templates of allowed start RelationPartners

RelationCondition.from.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

RelationCondition.from.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

RelationCondition.from.filter ● RelationPartnerTemplateFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

RelationCondition.from.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

RelationCondition.from.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

RelationCondition.from.orderBy ● [RelationPartnerTemplateOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

RelationCondition.from.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

RelationCondition.hasPermission ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Checks if the current user has a specific permission on this Node

RelationCondition.hasPermission.permission ● AllPermissionEntry enum

The permission to check for ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique id of this node

RelationCondition.interfaceSpecificationDerivationConditions ● InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionConnection! non-null object

Defines which InterfaceSpecifications are derived via the Relation.

RelationCondition.interfaceSpecificationDerivationConditions.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

RelationCondition.interfaceSpecificationDerivationConditions.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

RelationCondition.interfaceSpecificationDerivationConditions.filter ● InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

RelationCondition.interfaceSpecificationDerivationConditions.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

RelationCondition.interfaceSpecificationDerivationConditions.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

RelationCondition.interfaceSpecificationDerivationConditions.orderBy ● [InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

RelationCondition.interfaceSpecificationDerivationConditions.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

RelationCondition.partOf ● RelationTemplateConnection! non-null object

The RelationTemplates this is part of.

RelationCondition.partOf.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

RelationCondition.partOf.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

RelationCondition.partOf.filter ● RelationTemplateFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

RelationCondition.partOf.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

RelationCondition.partOf.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

RelationCondition.partOf.orderBy ● [RelationTemplateOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

RelationCondition.partOf.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored ● RelationPartnerTemplateConnection! non-null object

Templates of allowed end RelationPartners ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor ● RelationPartnerTemplateFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified ● [RelationPartnerTemplateOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored


BaseNode interface

Shared extensions to the node type.

Node interface

Base class of all nodes

Member of

InterfaceSpecificationDerivationCondition object ● RelationConditionConnection object ● RelationConditionEdge object