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Search for nodes of type Issue

filter: IssueFilterInput
first: Int!
query: String!
skip: Int
): [Issue!]!


searchIssues.filter ● IssueFilterInput input

Filter for specific items

searchIssues.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Get the first n items.

searchIssues.query ● String! non-null scalar

Search query nodes must match

searchIssues.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items.


Issue object

An Issue in the Gropius system. Issues can be used to report bugs, request features, ask questions, ... Issues are synced to all IMSProjects of Trackables they are part of. All changes to the Issue are reflected by the timeline. READ is granted if READ is granted on any Trackable in trackables. Caution: due to confidentiality reasons, updates to incomingRelations do not cause updates on lastModifiedBy and participants, however, lastModifiedAt and lastUpdatedAt is still changed. The same applies to RelatedByIssueEvent, RemovedIncomingRelationEvent and IncomingRelationTypeChangedEvent.