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Search for nodes of type Component

filter: ComponentFilterInput
first: Int!
query: String!
skip: Int
): [Component!]!


searchComponents.filter ● ComponentFilterInput input

Filter for specific items

searchComponents.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Get the first n items.

searchComponents.query ● String! non-null scalar

Search query nodes must match

searchComponents.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items.


Component object

Entity which represents a software component, e.g. a library, a microservice, or a deployment platform, .... The type of software component is defined by the template. Can have issues, labels and artefacts as this is a Trackable. Defines InterfaceSpecifications, but visible/invisible InterfaceSpecificationVersions depend on the ComponentVersion. Can be affected by Issues. READ is granted via an associated ComponentPermission or if READ is granted on any Project including any ComponentVersion in versions of this Component.