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A user an IMS. This user might be linked to a GropiusUser. Note that this link can change at any time. The username might not be unique. It is possible that this user never heard of Gropius, and is only known to the system due to sync adapters.

type IMSUser implements BaseNode, Node, TemplatedNode, User {
after: String
before: String
filter: AssignmentFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [AssignmentOrder!]
skip: Int
): AssignmentConnection!
avatar: URL!
after: String
before: String
filter: AuditedNodeFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [AuditedNodeOrder!]
skip: Int
): AuditedNodeConnection!
displayName: String!
email: String
gropiusUser: GropiusUser
permission: AllPermissionEntry
): Boolean!
id: ID!
ims: IMS!
after: String
before: String
filter: IssueFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [IssueOrder!]
skip: Int
): IssueConnection!
template: IMSUserTemplate!
name: String!
names: [String!]
prefixMatching: Boolean
): [JSONField!]!
username: String


IMSUser.assignments ● AssignmentConnection! non-null object

Assignments the user is part of, this includes assignments which aren't active.

IMSUser.assignments.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

IMSUser.assignments.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

IMSUser.assignments.filter ● AssignmentFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

IMSUser.assignments.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

IMSUser.assignments.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

IMSUser.assignments.orderBy ● [AssignmentOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

IMSUser.assignments.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

IMSUser.avatar ● URL! non-null scalar

The avatar of the user.

IMSUser.createdNodes ● AuditedNodeConnection! non-null object

AuditedNodes the user created.

IMSUser.createdNodes.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

IMSUser.createdNodes.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

IMSUser.createdNodes.filter ● AuditedNodeFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

IMSUser.createdNodes.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

IMSUser.createdNodes.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

IMSUser.createdNodes.orderBy ● [AuditedNodeOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

IMSUser.createdNodes.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

IMSUser.displayName ● String! non-null scalar

The name which should be displayed for the user. ● String scalar

The email address of the user.

IMSUser.gropiusUser ● GropiusUser object

The GropiusUser this IMSUser is linked to. An IMSUser might be linked to no GropiusUser.

IMSUser.hasPermission ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Checks if the current user has a specific permission on this Node

IMSUser.hasPermission.permission ● AllPermissionEntry enum

The permission to check for ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique id of this node

IMSUser.ims ● IMS! non-null object

The IMS this user is part of.

IMSUser.participatedIssues ● IssueConnection! non-null object

Issues the user participated in.

IMSUser.participatedIssues.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

IMSUser.participatedIssues.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

IMSUser.participatedIssues.filter ● IssueFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

IMSUser.participatedIssues.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

IMSUser.participatedIssues.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

IMSUser.participatedIssues.orderBy ● [IssueOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

IMSUser.participatedIssues.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

IMSUser.template ● IMSUserTemplate! non-null object

The Template of this IMSUser

IMSUser.templatedField ● JSON scalar

Value of a field defined by the template. Error if such a field is not defined. ● String! non-null scalar

Name of the extension field

IMSUser.templatedFields ● [JSONField!]! non-null object

All templatedFields If names is provided, only those matching the name. If prefixMatching is true, matching is done by prefix, otherwise by full name.

IMSUser.templatedFields.names ● [String!] list scalar

Names of the templated fields. If not provided, all templatedFields.

IMSUser.templatedFields.prefixMatching ● Boolean scalar

If true, name matching is performed as prefix matching, otherwise as absolute match. Defaults to absolute matching

IMSUser.username ● String scalar

The username of the IMSUser. Synced from the IMS this user is part of. Might not be unique.


BaseNode interface

Shared extensions to the node type.

Node interface

Base class of all nodes

TemplatedNode interface

Interface for all types which support templates.

User interface

A user known to the Gropius System. This might be a user that registered directly, or a user the systems know via a sync adapter. A user can create AuditedNodes, participate in Issues and be assigned to Issues. READ is always granted.

Member of

IMSUserConnection object ● IMSUserEdge object