📄️ addAffectedEntityToIssue
Adds an AffectedByIssue to an Issue, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue is on,
📄️ addArtefactToIssue
Adds a Artefact to an Issue, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any Trackable the issue is on and READ on the Artefact.
📄️ addComponentVersionToProject
Adds a ComponentVersion to a Project,
📄️ addInterfaceSpecificationVersionToComponentVersion
Adds an InterfaceSpecificationVersion (in)visible to ComponentVersions,
📄️ addIssueToPinnedIssues
Pins an Issue on a Trackable, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on the Trackable the Issue should be pinned on.
📄️ addIssueToTrackable
Adds an Issue to a Trackable, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on the Trackable the Issue should be added to,
📄️ addLabelToIssue
Adds a Label to an Issue, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any Trackable the issue is on and READ on the Label.
📄️ addLabelToTrackable
Adds a Label to a Trackable, requires MANAGELABELS on the Trackable and EXPORTLABEL on any Trackable
📄️ bulkCreateComponent
Creates multiple Components, requires CANCREATECOMPONENTS.
📄️ bulkCreateRelation
Creates multiple Relations, requires RELATEFROMCOMPONENT on the Component associated with start.
📄️ changeAssignmentType
Changes the type of an Assignment, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue the Assignment
📄️ changeIssuePriority
Changes the priority of an Issue requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue is on.
📄️ changeIssueRelationType
Changes the type of an IssueRelation, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue the
📄️ changeIssueState
Changes the state of an Issue requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue is on.
📄️ changeIssueTemplate
Changes the Template of an Issue. Requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue is on.
📄️ changeIssueTemplatedField
Changes the value of a templated field on an Issue, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables
📄️ changeIssueTitle
Changes the title of an Issue requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue is on.
📄️ changeIssueType
Changes the type of an Issue requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue is on.
📄️ createArtefactTemplate
Creates a new ArtefactTemplate, requires CANCREATETEMPLATES
📄️ createArtefact
Creates a new Artefact on a Trackable. Requires MANAGE_ARTEFACTS on the provided Trackable.
📄️ createAssignment
Assigns a User to an Issue by creating an Assignment, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the
📄️ createComponentPermission
Creates a new ComponentPermission, requires ADMIN on all Components which should be added to the created
📄️ createComponentTemplate
Creates a new ComponentTemplate, requires CANCREATETEMPLATES
📄️ createComponentVersion
Creates a new ComponentVersion, requires ADMIN on the Component.
📄️ createComponent
Creates a new Component, requires CANCREATECOMPONENTS.
📄️ createGlobalPermission
Creates a new GlobalPermission, requires that the user is an admin
📄️ createIMS
Creates a new IMS, requires CANCREATEIMSS.
📄️ createIMSPermission
Creates a new IMSPermission, requires ADMIN on all IMSs which should be added to the created
📄️ createIMSProject
Creates a new IMSProject, requirse SYNC_TRACKABLES on the specified IMS
📄️ createInterfacePart
Creates a new InterfacePart, requires ADMIN on the Component of the InterfaceSpecification.
📄️ createInterfaceSpecificationTemplate
Creates a new InterfaceSpecificationTemplate, requires CANCREATETEMPLATES
📄️ createInterfaceSpecificationVersion
Creates a new InterfaceSpecificationVersion, requires ADMIN on the Component of the InterfaceSpecification.
📄️ createInterfaceSpecification
Creates a new InterfaceSpecification, requires ADMIN on the Component.
📄️ createIntraComponentDependencySpecification
Creates a new IntraComponentDependencySpecification, requires ADMIN on the Component associated with the
📄️ createIssueComment
Creates an IssueComment, requires COMMENT on any of the Trackables the Issue is on.
📄️ createIssueRelation
Creates an IssueRelation, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue is on.
📄️ createIssueTemplate
Creates a new IssueTemplate, requires CANCREATETEMPLATES
📄️ createIssue
Creates a new Issue on at least one Trackable, requires CREATE_ISSUES on all Trackables it should be created on.
📄️ createLabel
Creates a new Label on at least one Trackable. Requires MANAGE_LABELS on all provided Trackables.
📄️ createProjectPermission
Creates a new ProjectPermission, requires ADMIN on all Projects which should be added to the created
📄️ createProject
Creates a new Project, requires CANCREATEPROJECTS.
📄️ createRelationTemplate
Creates a new RelationTemplate, requires CANCREATETEMPLATES
📄️ createRelation
Creates a new Relation, requires RELATEFROMCOMPONENT on the Component associated with start.
📄️ createView
Creates a new View, requires MANAGE_VIEWS on the project owning the view.
📄️ deleteArtefact
Deletes the Artefact, requires MANAGE_ARTEFACTS on the Trackable it is part of. Removes it from all Issues.
📄️ deleteComponentPermission
Deletes a ComponentPermission, requires ADMIN on all Components the permission currently affects.
📄️ deleteComponentVersion
Deletes the specified ComponentVersion, requires ADMIN on the Component of the ComponentVersion to delete
📄️ deleteComponent
Deletes the specified Component, requires ADMIN on the component to delete
📄️ deleteGlobalPermission
Deletes a GlobalPermission, requires that the user is an admin
📄️ deleteIMS
Deletes the specified IMS, requires ADMIN on the IMS to delete.
📄️ deleteIMSPermission
Deletes a IMSPermission, requires ADMIN on all IMSs the permission currently affects.
📄️ deleteIMSProject
Deletes the specified IMSProject, requirse ADMIN on the IMS associted with the
📄️ deleteInterfacePart
Deletes the specified InterfacePart,
📄️ deleteInterfaceSpecificationVersion
Deletes the specified InterfaceSpecificationVersion,
📄️ deleteInterfaceSpecification
Deletes the specified InterfaceSpecification, requires ADMIN on the Component of the InterfaceSpecification to delete
📄️ deleteIntraComponentDependencySpecification
Deletes the specified IntraComponentDependencySpecification, requires ADMIN on the Component associated with the
📄️ deleteIssueComment
Deletes an IssueComment. If the user created the IssueComment, requires READ on any of the Trackables the
📄️ deleteIssue
Deletes the specified Issue, requires MODERATOR on all of the Trackables the Issue is on.
📄️ deleteLabel
Deletes the Label, requires MANAGE_LABELS on all Trackables it is on.
📄️ deleteProjectPermission
Deletes a ProjectPermission, requires ADMIN on all Projects the permission currently affects.
📄️ deleteProject
Deletes the specified Project, requires ADMIN on the project to delete
📄️ deleteRelation
Deletes the specified Relation, requires RELATEFROMCOMPONENT on the Component associated with start.
📄️ deleteView
Deletes the specified View, requires MANAGE_VIEWS on the project owning the view.
📄️ removeAffectedEntityFromIssue
Removes an AffectedByIssue from an Issue, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue is on,
📄️ removeArtefactFromIssue
Removes a Artefact from an Issue, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any Trackable the issue is on.
📄️ removeAssignment
Removes an Assignment from an Issue, require MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue the Assignment
📄️ removeComponentVersionFromProject
Removes a ComponentVersion from a Project,
📄️ removeInterfaceSpecificationVersionFromComponentVersion
Removes an InterfaceSpecificationVersion (in)visible from ComponentVersions,
📄️ removeIssueFromPinnedIssues
Unpins the Issue on a Trackable, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on the Trackable where the Issue should
📄️ removeIssueFromTrackable
Removes an Issue from a Trackable, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on the Trackable where the Issue should
📄️ removeIssueRelation
Removes an IssueRelation from an Issue, require MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue the
📄️ removeLabelFromIssue
Removes a Label from an Issue, requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any Trackable the issue is on.
📄️ removeLabelFromTrackable
Removes a Label from a Trackable, requires MANAGE_LABELS on the Trackable.
📄️ updateArtefact
Updates the specified Artefact, requires MANAGE_ARTEFACTS on the Trackable the Artefact is part of
📄️ updateBody
Updates an IssueComment. If the user created the IssueComment, requires READ on any of the Trackables the
📄️ updateComponentPermission
Updates a ComponentPermission, requires ADMIN on all Components the permission currently affects.
📄️ updateComponentVersion
Updates the specified ComponentVersion, requires ADMIN on the Component of the ComponentVersion to update
📄️ updateComponent
Updates the specified Component, requires ADMIN on the component to update
📄️ updateGlobalPermission
Updates a GlobalPermission, requires that the user is an admin
📄️ updateGropiusUser
Updates a GropiusUser. Only the same user and admin users can update a GropiusUser.
📄️ updateIMS
Updates the specified IMS, requires ADMIN on the IMS.
📄️ updateIMSPermission
Updates a IMSPermission, requires ADMIN on all IMSs the permission currently affects.
📄️ updateIMSProject
Updates the specified IMSProject, requirse SYNC_TRACKABLES on the IMS associted with the
📄️ updateInterfacePart
Updates the specified InterfacePart,
📄️ updateInterfaceSpecificationVersion
Updates the specified InterfaceSpecificationVersion,
📄️ updateInterfaceSpecification
Updates the specified InterfaceSpecification, requires ADMIN on the Component of the InterfaceSpecification to update
📄️ updateIntraComponentDependencySpecification
Updates the specified IntraComponentDependencySpecification, requires ADMIN on the Component associated with the
📄️ updateIssueComment
Updates an IssueComment. If the user created the IssueComment, requires READ on any of the Trackables the
📄️ updateLabel
Updates the specified Label, requires MANAGE_LABELS on any Trackable the Label is on
📄️ updateProjectPermission
Updates a ProjectPermission, requires ADMIN on all Projects the permission currently affects.
📄️ updateProject
Updates the specified Project, requires ADMIN on the project to update
📄️ updateRelation
Updates the specified Relation, requires RELATEFROMCOMPONENT on the Component associated with start.
📄️ updateSyncPermissions
Updates whether the current user allows sync self/others on the specified target
📄️ updateTemplateDeprecationStatus
Updates the deprecation state of the template, requires CANCREATETEMPLATES
📄️ updateView
Updates the specified View, requires MANAGE_VIEWS on the project owning the view.