📄️ AddAffectedEntityToIssuePayload
No description
📄️ AddArtefactToIssuePayload
No description
📄️ AddComponentVersionToProjectPayload
Payload type for the addComponentVersionToProject mutation
📄️ AddInterfaceSpecificationVersionToComponentVersionPayload
No description
📄️ AddIssueToPinnedIssuesPayload
No description
📄️ AddIssueToTrackablePayload
No description
📄️ AddLabelToIssuePayload
No description
📄️ AddLabelToTrackablePayload
No description
📄️ AddedAffectedEntityEvent
Event representing that an entity is affected by an Issue.
📄️ AddedArtefactEvent
Event representing that an Artefact was added to an Issue.
📄️ AddedLabelEvent
Event representing that a Label was added to an Issue.
📄️ AddedToPinnedIssuesEvent
Event representing that an Issue was pinned on a Trackable.
📄️ AddedToTrackableEvent
Event representing that the Issue was added to a Trackable.
📄️ AffectedByIssueConnection
The connection type for AffectedByIssue.
📄️ AffectedByIssueEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ AggregatedIssueConnection
The connection type for AggregatedIssue.
📄️ AggregatedIssueEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ AggregatedIssueRelationConnection
The connection type for AggregatedIssueRelation.
📄️ AggregatedIssueRelationEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ AggregatedIssueRelation
An aggregated IssueRelation.
📄️ AggregatedIssue
An aggregated Issue on a RelationPartner.
📄️ ArtefactConnection
The connection type for Artefact.
📄️ ArtefactEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ ArtefactTemplateConnection
The connection type for ArtefactTemplate.
📄️ ArtefactTemplateEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ ArtefactTemplate
Template for Artefacts
📄️ Artefact
An Artefact referencing a file defined via a URL.
📄️ AssignmentConnection
The connection type for Assignment.
📄️ AssignmentEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ AssignmentTypeChangedEvent
Event representing that the type of an Assignment changed.
📄️ AssignmentTypeConnection
The connection type for AssignmentType.
📄️ AssignmentTypeEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ AssignmentType
Type for an Assignment, like REVIEWER. Part of an IssueTemplate.
📄️ Assignment
Event representing that a User is assigned to an Issue.
📄️ AuditedNodeConnection
The connection type for AuditedNode.
📄️ AuditedNodeEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ BasePermissionConnection
The connection type for BasePermission.
📄️ BasePermissionEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ Body
Main Body of an Issue.
📄️ BulkCreateComponentPayload
No description
📄️ BulkCreateRelationPayload
No description
📄️ ChangeAssignmentTypePayload
No description
📄️ ChangeIssuePriorityPayload
No description
📄️ ChangeIssueRelationTypePayload
No description
📄️ ChangeIssueStatePayload
No description
📄️ ChangeIssueTemplatePayload
No description
📄️ ChangeIssueTemplatedFieldPayload
No description
📄️ ChangeIssueTitlePayload
No description
📄️ ChangeIssueTypePayload
No description
📄️ ComponentConnection
The connection type for Component.
📄️ ComponentEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ ComponentPermissionConnection
The connection type for ComponentPermission.
📄️ ComponentPermissionEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ ComponentPermission
NodePermission to grant specific permissions to a set of Components.
📄️ ComponentTemplateConnection
The connection type for ComponentTemplate.
📄️ ComponentTemplateEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ ComponentTemplate
Template for Components.
📄️ ComponentVersionConnection
The connection type for ComponentVersion.
📄️ ComponentVersionEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ ComponentVersionTemplate
SubTemplate for ComponentVersion.
📄️ ComponentVersion
Version of a component.
📄️ Component
Entity which represents a software component, e.g. a library, a microservice, or a deployment platform, ....
📄️ CreateArtefactPayload
No description
📄️ CreateArtefactTemplatePayload
No description
📄️ CreateAssignmentPayload
No description
📄️ CreateComponentPayload
No description
📄️ CreateComponentPermissionPayload
No description
📄️ CreateComponentTemplatePayload
No description
📄️ CreateComponentVersionPayload
No description
📄️ CreateGlobalPermissionPayload
No description
📄️ CreateIMSPayload
No description
📄️ CreateIMSPermissionPayload
No description
📄️ CreateIMSProjectPayload
No description
📄️ CreateInterfacePartPayload
No description
📄️ CreateInterfaceSpecificationPayload
No description
📄️ CreateInterfaceSpecificationTemplatePayload
No description
📄️ CreateInterfaceSpecificationVersionPayload
No description
📄️ CreateIntraComponentDependencySpecificationPayload
No description
📄️ CreateIssueCommentPayload
No description
📄️ CreateIssuePayload
No description
📄️ CreateIssueRelationPayload
No description
📄️ CreateIssueTemplatePayload
No description
📄️ CreateLabelPayload
No description
📄️ CreateProjectPayload
No description
📄️ CreateProjectPermissionPayload
No description
📄️ CreateRelationPayload
No description
📄️ CreateRelationTemplatePayload
No description
📄️ CreateViewPayload
No description
📄️ DeleteIssueCommentPayload
No description
📄️ DeleteNodePayload
Payload type for delete node mutations
📄️ FillStyle
Fill style of a shape
📄️ GlobalPermissionConnection
The connection type for GlobalPermission.
📄️ GlobalPermissionEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ GlobalPermission
Permission associated with a set of users.
📄️ GropiusUserConnection
The connection type for GropiusUser.
📄️ GropiusUserEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ GropiusUser
A user of the Gropius System.
📄️ IMS
Entity which represents an issue management system (like GitHub, Jira, Redmine, ...).
📄️ IMSConnection
The connection type for IMS.
📄️ IMSEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IMSIssueConnection
The connection type for IMSIssue.
📄️ IMSIssueEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IMSIssueTemplate
SubTemplate for IMSIssue.
📄️ IMSIssue
Issue on an IMS, represents an Issue synced to an IMS.
📄️ IMSPermissionConnection
The connection type for IMSPermission.
📄️ IMSPermissionEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IMSPermission
NodePermission to grant specific permissions to a set of IMSs.
📄️ IMSProjectConnection
The connection type for IMSProject.
📄️ IMSProjectEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IMSProjectTemplate
SubTemplate for IMSProject.
📄️ IMSProject
Project on an IMS, represents a Trackable synced to an IMS.
📄️ IMSTemplateConnection
The connection type for IMSTemplate.
📄️ IMSTemplateEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IMSTemplate
Template for imss
📄️ IMSUserConnection
The connection type for IMSUser.
📄️ IMSUserEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IMSUserTemplate
SubTemplate for IMSUser.
📄️ IMSUser
A user an IMS.
📄️ IncomingRelationTypeChangedEvent
Event representing that the type of an incoming IssueRelation changed.
📄️ InterfaceDefinitionConnection
The connection type for InterfaceDefinition.
📄️ InterfaceDefinitionEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ InterfaceDefinition
InterfaceDefinition on a ComponentVersion
📄️ InterfacePartConnection
The connection type for InterfacePart.
📄️ InterfacePartEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ InterfacePartTemplate
SubTemplate for InterfacePart.
📄️ InterfacePart
Part of an Interface(Specification).
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationConnection
The connection type for InterfaceSpecification.
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionConnection
The connection type for InterfaceSpecificationDerivationCondition.
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationDerivationCondition
Defines which InterfaceSpecifications are derived under which conditions by a Relation.
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationTemplateConnection
The connection type for InterfaceSpecificationTemplate.
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationTemplateEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationTemplate
Template for InterfaceSpecifications.
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationVersionConnection
The connection type for InterfaceSpecificationVersion.
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationVersionEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationVersionTemplate
SubTemplate for InterfaceSpecificationVersion.
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationVersion
A specific version of an InterfaceSpecification.
📄️ InterfaceSpecification
Specification of an Interface.
📄️ Interface
An interface which is part of a specific ComponentVersion.
📄️ IntraComponentDependencyParticipantConnection
The connection type for IntraComponentDependencyParticipant.
📄️ IntraComponentDependencyParticipantEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IntraComponentDependencyParticipant
Participant of a a IntraComponentDependencySpecification
📄️ IntraComponentDependencySpecificationConnection
The connection type for IntraComponentDependencySpecification.
📄️ IntraComponentDependencySpecificationEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IntraComponentDependencySpecificationTypeConnection
The connection type for IntraComponentDependencySpecificationType.
📄️ IntraComponentDependencySpecificationTypeEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IntraComponentDependencySpecificationType
Type of an IntraComponentDependencySpecification like CALLS.
📄️ IntraComponentDependencySpecification
Describes a dependency between Interfaces of a Component.
📄️ IssueCommentConnection
The connection type for IssueComment.
📄️ IssueCommentEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IssueComment
Comment on an Issue.
📄️ IssueConnection
The connection type for Issue.
📄️ IssueEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IssuePriorityConnection
The connection type for IssuePriority.
📄️ IssuePriorityEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IssuePriority
Priority of an Issue like HIGH or LOW. Part of an IssueTemplate.
📄️ IssueRelationConnection
The connection type for IssueRelation.
📄️ IssueRelationEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IssueRelationTypeConnection
The connection type for IssueRelationType.
📄️ IssueRelationTypeEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IssueRelationType
Type for an IssueRelation, like DUPLICATES or DEPENDS_ON. Part of an IssueTemplate.
📄️ IssueRelation
Event representing that a relation between two Issues has been created.
📄️ IssueStateConnection
The connection type for IssueState.
📄️ IssueStateEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IssueState
State of an Issue like BUG or FEATURE_REQUEST. Part of an IssueTemplate.
📄️ IssueTemplateConnection
The connection type for IssueTemplate.
📄️ IssueTemplateEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IssueTemplate
Template for Issues.
📄️ IssueTypeConnection
The connection type for IssueType.
📄️ IssueTypeEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ IssueType
Type of an Issue like BUG or FEATURE_REQUEST. Part of an IssueTemplate.
📄️ Issue
An Issue in the Gropius system.
📄️ JSONField
A JSON extension field, consisting of a name and a value.
📄️ LabelConnection
The connection type for Label.
📄️ LabelEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ Label
Label used to mark Issues with.
📄️ OutgoingRelationTypeChangedEvent
Event representing that the type of an incoming IssueRelation changed.
📄️ PageInfo
Information about the current page in a connection
📄️ Point
A point in a 2D coordinate system
📄️ PriorityChangedEvent
Event representing that the priority of an Issue changed.
📄️ ProjectConnection
The connection type for Project.
📄️ ProjectEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ ProjectPermissionConnection
The connection type for ProjectPermission.
📄️ ProjectPermissionEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ ProjectPermission
NodePermission to grant specific permissions to a set of Projects.
📄️ Project
A project of the Gropius system.
📄️ RelatedByIssueEvent
Event representing that the Issue was used in an IssueRelation as related issue.
📄️ RelationConditionConnection
The connection type for RelationCondition.
📄️ RelationConditionEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ RelationCondition
Condition which defines if a Relation can use a RelationTemplate.
📄️ RelationConnection
The connection type for Relation.
📄️ RelationEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ RelationLayoutConnection
The connection type for RelationLayout.
📄️ RelationLayoutEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ RelationLayout
Layout for a Relation
📄️ RelationPartnerLayoutConnection
The connection type for RelationPartnerLayout.
📄️ RelationPartnerLayoutEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ RelationPartnerLayout
Layout for a RelationPartner (ComponentVersion or Interface)
📄️ RelationPartnerTemplateConnection
The connection type for RelationPartnerTemplate.
📄️ RelationPartnerTemplateEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ RelationTemplateConnection
The connection type for RelationTemplate.
📄️ RelationTemplateEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ RelationTemplate
Template for Relations.
📄️ Relation
A relation between RelationPartners (ComponentVersions and Interfaces).
📄️ RemoveAffectedEntityFromIssuePayload
No description
📄️ RemoveArtefactFromIssuePayload
No description
📄️ RemoveAssignmentPayload
No description
📄️ RemoveComponentVersionFromProjectPayload
No description
📄️ RemoveInterfaceSpecificationVersionFromComponentVersionPayload
No description
📄️ RemoveIssueFromPinnedIssuesPayload
No description
📄️ RemoveIssueFromTrackablePayload
No description
📄️ RemoveIssueRelationPayload
No description
📄️ RemoveLabelFromIssuePayload
No description
📄️ RemoveLabelFromTrackablePayload
No description
📄️ RemovedAffectedEntityEvent
Event representing that an entity is no longer affected by an Issue.
📄️ RemovedArtefactEvent
Event representing that an Artefact was removed from an Issue.
📄️ RemovedAssignmentEvent
Event representing that a User was unassigned from an Issue,
📄️ RemovedFromPinnedIssuesEvent
Event representing that an Issue was unpinned on a Trackable.
📄️ RemovedFromTrackableEvent
Event representing that an Issue was removed from a Trackable.
📄️ RemovedIncomingRelationEvent
Event representing that an incoming IssueRelation was removed.
📄️ RemovedLabelEvent
Event representing that a Label was removed from an Issue.
📄️ RemovedOutgoingRelationEvent
Event representing that an outgoing IssueRelation was removed.
📄️ RemovedTemplatedFieldEvent
Event representing that a templated field was removed.
📄️ StateChangedEvent
Event representing that the state of an Issue changed.
📄️ StrokeStyle
Style of the stroke
📄️ SyncPermissionTargetConnection
The connection type for SyncPermissionTarget.
📄️ SyncPermissionTargetEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ TemplateChangedEvent
Event representing the template of an Issue changed.
📄️ TemplatedFieldChangedEvent
Event representing that the value of a templated field changed.
📄️ TimelineItemConnection
The connection type for TimelineItem.
📄️ TimelineItemEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ TitleChangedEvent
Event representing that the title of an Issue changed.
📄️ TrackableConnection
The connection type for Trackable.
📄️ TrackableEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ TypeChangedEvent
Event representing that the type of an Issue changed.
📄️ UpdateArtefactPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateBodyPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateComponentPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateComponentPermissionPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateComponentVersionPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateGlobalPermissionPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateGropiusUserPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateIMSPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateIMSPermissionPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateIMSProjectPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateInterfacePartPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateInterfaceSpecificationPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateInterfaceSpecificationVersionPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateIntraComponentDependencySpecificationPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateIssueCommentPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateLabelPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateProjectPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateProjectPermissionPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateRelationPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateSyncPermissionsPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateTemplateDeprecationStatusPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateViewPayload
No description
📄️ UserConnection
The connection type for User.
📄️ UserEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ ViewConnection
The connection type for View.
📄️ ViewEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ View
A view on the architecture graph of a project