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Event representing that an Issue was removed from a Trackable. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

type RemovedFromTrackableEvent implements AuditedNode, BaseNode, Node, ParentTimelineItem, TimelineItem {
after: String
before: String
filter: TimelineItemFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [TimelineItemOrder!]
skip: Int
): TimelineItemConnection!
createdAt: DateTime!
createdBy: User!
permission: AllPermissionEntry
): Boolean!
id: ID!
issue: Issue
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedBy: User!
parentItem: ParentTimelineItem
removedFromTrackable: Trackable


RemovedFromTrackableEvent.childItems ● TimelineItemConnection! non-null object

Child TimelineItems. These are still part of the main timeline.

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.childItems.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.childItems.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.childItems.filter ● TimelineItemFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.childItems.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.childItems.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.childItems.orderBy ● [TimelineItemOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.childItems.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The DateTime this entity was created at.

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.createdBy ● User! non-null interface

The User who created this entity.

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.hasPermission ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Checks if the current user has a specific permission on this Node

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.hasPermission.permission ● AllPermissionEntry enum

The permission to check for ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique id of this node

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.issue ● Issue object

The Issue this TimelineItem is part of.

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The DateTime this entity was last modified at.

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.lastModifiedBy ● User! non-null interface

The User who last modified this entity.

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.parentItem ● ParentTimelineItem interface

If existing, the parent TimelineItem

RemovedFromTrackableEvent.removedFromTrackable ● Trackable interface

The Trackable the Issue was removed from, null if deleted.


AuditedNode interface

Node which provides auditing information, which can e.g. be used for the sync. When it was created and last modified, if the it is already deleted, and by who it was created and last modified. A modification is any change of a field on the node itself and a change of a relation (add or removed). A change on a related related node is not a modification.

BaseNode interface

Shared extensions to the node type.

Node interface

Base class of all nodes

ParentTimelineItem interface

TimelineItem which can aggregate other TimelineItems. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

TimelineItem interface

Supertype of all timeline items. Always part of an Issue.

Member of

RemoveIssueFromTrackablePayload object