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Changes the Template of an Issue. Requires MANAGE_ISSUES on any of the Trackables the Issue is on. Incompatible old values of type, state, priority, templated fields, and priorities of Assignments and outgoing IssueRelations are updated with provided new values, requires that those new values are compatible with the new template. If the old value already is compatible with the new template, fields are not changed! In case of priority and types of Assignments and outgoing IssueRelations, if the old value is incompatible and no new value was provided, the old value is removed. Only creates an event if the new template is not equal to the current template. Events for other changes can be found in the childItems of the returned event.

input: ChangeIssueTemplateInput!
): ChangeIssueTemplatePayload!


changeIssueTemplate.input ● ChangeIssueTemplateInput! non-null input

Defines the new IssueTemplate, the Issue and other fields to update


ChangeIssueTemplatePayload object