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Filter used to filter Assignment

input AssignmentFilterInput {
and: [AssignmentFilterInput!]
createdAt: DateTimeFilterInput
createdBy: UserFilterInput
id: IDFilterInput
initialType: AssignmentTypeFilterInput
issue: IssueFilterInput
lastModifiedAt: DateTimeFilterInput
lastModifiedBy: UserFilterInput
not: AssignmentFilterInput
or: [AssignmentFilterInput!]
parentItem: ParentTimelineItemFilterInput
timelineItemTypes: [TimelineItemType!]
type: AssignmentTypeFilterInput
user: UserFilterInput


AssignmentFilterInput.and ● [AssignmentFilterInput!] list input

Connects all subformulas via and

AssignmentFilterInput.createdAt ● DateTimeFilterInput input

Filter by createdAt

AssignmentFilterInput.createdBy ● UserFilterInput input

Filters for nodes where the related node match this filter ● IDFilterInput input

Filter by id

AssignmentFilterInput.initialType ● AssignmentTypeFilterInput input

Filters for nodes where the related node match this filter

AssignmentFilterInput.issue ● IssueFilterInput input

Filters for nodes where the related node match this filter

AssignmentFilterInput.lastModifiedAt ● DateTimeFilterInput input

Filter by lastModifiedAt

AssignmentFilterInput.lastModifiedBy ● UserFilterInput input

Filters for nodes where the related node match this filter

AssignmentFilterInput.not ● AssignmentFilterInput input

Negates the subformula

AssignmentFilterInput.or ● [AssignmentFilterInput!] list input

Connects all subformulas via or

AssignmentFilterInput.parentItem ● ParentTimelineItemFilterInput input

Filters for nodes where the related node match this filter

AssignmentFilterInput.timelineItemTypes ● [TimelineItemType!] list enum

Filter for specific timeline items. Entries are joined by OR

AssignmentFilterInput.type ● AssignmentTypeFilterInput input

Filters for nodes where the related node match this filter

AssignmentFilterInput.user ● UserFilterInput input

Filters for nodes where the related node match this filter

Member of

AssignmentFilterInput input ● AssignmentListFilterInput input