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Create a new user without authentication



Create a new user object (which has no authentications yet) based on the given data.

Needs admin permissions.

Meant for admins to create users which can then be linked a authentication by a admin. Can be used, if self registration os turned off for all strategies globally.



    isAdmin boolean

    Set whether the newly created user will be an administrator.

    If not given, defaults to false

    username stringrequired

    The username to set for the new user. Must be given and cannot be empty

    displayName stringrequired

    The name to display in the UI for the new user. Must be given and can't be empty

    email string

    The email of the new user. Can be ommitted, but if given can't be empty.


If uscessful, the created user object

    id stringrequired

    The unique ID of this login user

    neo4jId stringnullablerequired

    The id of this user in the neo4j database.

    If null after initialization, there was an error. Must be unique as relation to GropiusUser is 1:1.

    username stringrequired

    The plain text username of the user. Must be kept in sync with username in backend.

    Currently has no use outside the userpass strategy

    revokeTokensBefore date-timerequired

    All tokens (INCLUDING access tokens) issued to this user before this date are no longer valid.

    Used to 'emergency'-Revoke tokens
