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List all strategies/strategy types



Returns all known strategies (strategy types) that are registered in the system



All known strategies in the system

  • Array [
  • typeName stringrequired

    The unique (type) name of the strategy

    canLoginRegister booleanrequired

    true iff instances of this strategy have the theoretical capability of logging in users

    canSync booleanrequired

    true iff instances of this strategy have the theoretical capability of providing api tokens to the a sync service

    needsRedirectFlow booleanrequired

    true if to authenticate using this strategy, a redirect of the users browser is required

    false if sending credentials to the token endpoint is enough

    allowsImplicitSignup booleanrequired

    true iff this strategy allows instances to use implicit signup to register users automatically if they don't have an account but tried to login

  • ]