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Links new authentication with any user by id



Links a new authentication with any user specified by id

Needs admin permissions

A (still) valid registration token is needed. After a successful linking, the expiration of the activeLogin and loginData will be updated accoringly



    register_token stringrequired

    The register token issued during as result of the oauth registration flow. Scope of the token must contain "login-register".

    Must be given.

    userIdToLink stringrequired

    The uuid string of ae existing LoginUser with which to link the authentication behind the registration token


If successful, the default response with operation 'admin-link'

    operation stringrequired

    A string representation of the operation performed

    result stringrequired

    Possible values: [success, failed]

    Default value: success

    The result of the operation. Defaults to "success"

    time date-timerequired

    Default value: 2024-07-03T21:50:49.978Z

    The time the operation was performed. Defaults to the current date+time
