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Details of one auth client (incl. censored secrets)



Gets one specific auth clients by its uuid. This will also include the list of censored client secrets (see GET /login/client/:id/clientSecret)

Needs admin permissions


Path Parameters

    id uuidrequired

    The uuid string of an existing auth client to return


The auth client with the requested id

    id stringrequired

    The unique ID of this client

    redirectUrls string[]required

    The list of valid enpoints to redirect the user back to after authentication has finished.

    The actual url to use is given in the authorize request and must be included in this list. If none is given, the first one from this list will be used

    isValid booleanrequired

    If this is false the client is not valid and no authorization, token, ... requests from it should be answered.

    requiresSecret booleanrequired

    If true requesting a token as this client requires the use of a client secret accoring to the oauth specification.

    If false client secrets can be present and given but are not required

    censoredClientSecrets object[]required

    A list of a representation of all client secrets.

    Includes the fingerprint of the has of the secret as identifying field and a censored version (5 char prefix) of the original secret text for easier idenfication by users

  • Array [
  • censored stringrequired

    The 5 letter prefix of the original client secret text plus stars for identification of the secret by the user

    fingerprint stringrequired

    The fingerprint of the hash of the client secret. Used as identifier to delete the secret.

  • ]