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Self register (create user) using registration token



Given user data and a registration token, this will create a new user for the registration. The user will also be created in the backend.

For the creation to succeed, the registration token and the registration may not be expired yet.



    register_token stringrequired

    The register token issued during as result of the oauth registration flow. Scope of the token must contain "login-register".

    Must be given.

    username stringrequired

    The username to set for the new user. Must be given and cannot be empty

    displayName stringrequired

    The name to display in the UI for the new user. Must be given and can't be empty

    email string

    The email of the new user. Can be ommitted, but if given can't be empty.


If successful, the Default Return with operation 'self-register'

    operation stringrequired

    A string representation of the operation performed

    result stringrequired

    Possible values: [success, failed]

    Default value: success

    The result of the operation. Defaults to "success"

    time date-timerequired

    Default value: 2024-07-03T21:50:49.978Z

    The time the operation was performed. Defaults to the current date+time
