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Delete a client secret of auch client



Deletes the client secret with the given fingerprint from the autch client with the given id


Path Parameters

    id uuidrequired

    The uuid string of an existing auth client to delete a client secret from

    fingerprint stringrequired

    The fingerprint string of one of the existing client secrets of the client to delete


If deletion was successfull, the default response with operation "delete-clientSecret"

    operation stringrequired

    A string representation of the operation performed

    result stringrequired

    Possible values: [success, failed]

    Default value: success

    The result of the operation. Defaults to "success"

    time date-timerequired

    Default value: 2024-07-03T21:50:49.978Z

    The time the operation was performed. Defaults to the current date+time
