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The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.

scalar ID

Returned by

gropiusUserIds query

Member of

AbstractTypeChangedEvent interface ● AddedAffectedEntityEvent object ● AddedArtefactEvent object ● AddedLabelEvent object ● AddedToPinnedIssuesEvent object ● AddedToTrackableEvent object ● AffectedByIssue interface ● AffectedByIssueFilterInput input ● AggregatedIssue object ● AggregatedIssueRelation object ● Artefact object ● ArtefactTemplate object ● Assignment object ● AssignmentType object ● AssignmentTypeChangedEvent object ● AuditedNode interface ● BaseNode interface ● BasePermission interface ● BaseTemplate interface ● Body object ● Comment interface ● Component object ● ComponentFilterInput input ● ComponentPermission object ● ComponentTemplate object ● ComponentVersion object ● ComponentVersionFilterInput input ● ComponentVersionTemplate object ● CreateIMSUserInput input ● FillStyle object ● GlobalPermission object ● GropiusUser object ● IDFilterInput input ● IMS object ● IMSIssue object ● IMSIssueTemplate object ● IMSPermission object ● IMSProject object ● IMSProjectTemplate object ● IMSTemplate object ● IMSUser object ● IMSUserTemplate object ● IncomingRelationTypeChangedEvent object ● Interface object ● InterfaceDefinition object ● InterfaceFilterInput input ● InterfacePart object ● InterfacePartFilterInput input ● InterfacePartTemplate object ● InterfaceSpecification object ● InterfaceSpecificationDerivationCondition object ● InterfaceSpecificationFilterInput input ● InterfaceSpecificationTemplate object ● InterfaceSpecificationVersion object ● InterfaceSpecificationVersionFilterInput input ● InterfaceSpecificationVersionTemplate object ● IntraComponentDependencyParticipant object ● IntraComponentDependencySpecification object ● IntraComponentDependencySpecificationType object ● Issue object ● IssueComment object ● IssuePriority object ● IssueRelation object ● IssueRelationType object ● IssueState object ● IssueTemplate object ● IssueType object ● Label object ● NamedAffectedByIssue interface ● NamedAffectedByIssueFilterInput input ● NamedAuditedNode interface ● NamedNode interface ● Node interface ● node query ● NodePermission interface ● NodePermissionFilterEntry input ● OutgoingRelationTypeChangedEvent object ● ParentTimelineItem interface ● PriorityChangedEvent object ● Project object ● ProjectFilterInput input ● ProjectPermission object ● RelatedByIssueEvent object ● Relation object ● RelationCondition object ● RelationLayout object ● RelationPartner interface ● RelationPartnerFilterInput input ● RelationPartnerLayout object ● RelationPartnerTemplate interface ● RelationTemplate object ● RelationTypeChangedEvent interface ● RemovedAffectedEntityEvent object ● RemovedArtefactEvent object ● RemovedAssignmentEvent object ● RemovedFromPinnedIssuesEvent object ● RemovedFromTrackableEvent object ● RemovedIncomingRelationEvent object ● RemovedLabelEvent object ● RemovedOutgoingRelationEvent object ● RemovedRelationEvent interface ● RemovedTemplatedFieldEvent object ● StateChangedEvent object ● StrokeStyle object ● SubTemplate interface ● SyncPermissionTarget interface ● Template interface ● TemplateChangedEvent object ● TemplatedFieldChangedEvent object ● TimelineItem interface ● TitleChangedEvent object ● Trackable interface ● TrackableFilterInput input ● TypeChangedEvent object ● UpdateIMSUserInput input ● User interface ● View object