📄️ AffectedByIssueOrderField
Fields a list of AffectedByIssue can be sorted by
📄️ AggregatedIssueOrderField
Fields a list of AggregatedIssue can be sorted by
📄️ AggregatedIssueRelationOrderField
Fields a list of AggregatedIssueRelation can be sorted by
📄️ AllPermissionEntry
Non global permission entries
📄️ ArtefactOrderField
Fields a list of Artefact can be sorted by
📄️ ArtefactTemplateOrderField
Fields a list of ArtefactTemplate can be sorted by
📄️ AssignmentOrderField
Fields a list of Assignment can be sorted by
📄️ AssignmentTypeOrderField
Fields a list of AssignmentType can be sorted by
📄️ AuditedNodeOrderField
Fields a list of AuditedNode can be sorted by
📄️ BasePermissionOrderField
Fields a list of BasePermission can be sorted by
📄️ ComponentOrderField
Fields a list of Component can be sorted by
📄️ ComponentPermissionEntry
ComponentPermission entry enum type.
📄️ ComponentPermissionOrderField
Fields a list of ComponentPermission can be sorted by
📄️ ComponentTemplateOrderField
Fields a list of ComponentTemplate can be sorted by
📄️ ComponentVersionOrderField
Fields a list of ComponentVersion can be sorted by
📄️ GlobalPermissionOrderField
Fields a list of GlobalPermission can be sorted by
📄️ GropiusUserOrderField
Fields a list of GropiusUser can be sorted by
📄️ IMSIssueOrderField
Fields a list of IMSIssue can be sorted by
📄️ IMSOrderField
Fields a list of IMS can be sorted by
📄️ IMSPermissionEntry
IMSPermission entry enum type.
📄️ IMSPermissionOrderField
Fields a list of IMSPermission can be sorted by
📄️ IMSProjectOrderField
Fields a list of IMSProject can be sorted by
📄️ IMSTemplateOrderField
Fields a list of IMSTemplate can be sorted by
📄️ IMSUserOrderField
Fields a list of IMSUser can be sorted by
📄️ InterfaceDefinitionOrderField
Fields a list of InterfaceDefinition can be sorted by
📄️ InterfacePartOrderField
Fields a list of InterfacePart can be sorted by
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationDerivationConditionOrderField
Fields a list of InterfaceSpecificationDerivationCondition can be sorted by
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationOrderField
Fields a list of InterfaceSpecification can be sorted by
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationTemplateOrderField
Fields a list of InterfaceSpecificationTemplate can be sorted by
📄️ InterfaceSpecificationVersionOrderField
Fields a list of InterfaceSpecificationVersion can be sorted by
📄️ IntraComponentDependencyParticipantOrderField
Fields a list of IntraComponentDependencyParticipant can be sorted by
📄️ IntraComponentDependencySpecificationOrderField
Fields a list of IntraComponentDependencySpecification can be sorted by
📄️ IntraComponentDependencySpecificationTypeOrderField
Fields a list of IntraComponentDependencySpecificationType can be sorted by
📄️ IssueCommentOrderField
Fields a list of IssueComment can be sorted by
📄️ IssueOrderField
Fields a list of Issue can be sorted by
📄️ IssuePriorityOrderField
Fields a list of IssuePriority can be sorted by
📄️ IssueRelationOrderField
Fields a list of IssueRelation can be sorted by
📄️ IssueRelationTypeOrderField
Fields a list of IssueRelationType can be sorted by
📄️ IssueStateOrderField
Fields a list of IssueState can be sorted by
📄️ IssueTemplateOrderField
Fields a list of IssueTemplate can be sorted by
📄️ IssueTypeOrderField
Fields a list of IssueType can be sorted by
📄️ LabelOrderField
Fields a list of Label can be sorted by
📄️ MarkerType
Type of a Relation marker
📄️ OrderDirection
Possible direction in which a list of nodes can be ordered
📄️ PermissionEntry
Permission entry enum type.
📄️ ProjectOrderField
Fields a list of Project can be sorted by
📄️ ProjectPermissionEntry
ProjectPermission entry enum type.
📄️ ProjectPermissionOrderField
Fields a list of ProjectPermission can be sorted by
📄️ RelationConditionOrderField
Fields a list of RelationCondition can be sorted by
📄️ RelationLayoutOrderField
Fields a list of RelationLayout can be sorted by
📄️ RelationOrderField
Fields a list of Relation can be sorted by
📄️ RelationPartnerLayoutOrderField
Fields a list of RelationPartnerLayout can be sorted by
📄️ RelationPartnerTemplateOrderField
Fields a list of RelationPartnerTemplate can be sorted by
📄️ RelationTemplateOrderField
Fields a list of RelationTemplate can be sorted by
📄️ ShapeType
Type of a Shape
📄️ SyncPermissionTargetOrderField
Fields a list of SyncPermissionTarget can be sorted by
📄️ TimelineItemOrderField
Fields a list of TimelineItem can be sorted by
📄️ TimelineItemType
All timeline items types
📄️ TrackableOrderField
Fields a list of Trackable can be sorted by
📄️ UserOrderField
Fields a list of User can be sorted by
📄️ ViewOrderField
Fields a list of View can be sorted by