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Base class of all nodes

interface Node {
id: ID!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique id of this node

Returned by

node query

Implemented by

AbstractTypeChangedEvent interface ● AddedAffectedEntityEvent object ● AddedArtefactEvent object ● AddedLabelEvent object ● AddedToPinnedIssuesEvent object ● AddedToTrackableEvent object ● AffectedByIssue interface ● AggregatedIssue object ● AggregatedIssueRelation object ● Artefact object ● ArtefactTemplate object ● Assignment object ● AssignmentType object ● AssignmentTypeChangedEvent object ● AuditedNode interface ● BaseNode interface ● BasePermission interface ● BaseTemplate interface ● Body object ● Comment interface ● Component object ● ComponentPermission object ● ComponentTemplate object ● ComponentVersion object ● ComponentVersionTemplate object ● FillStyle object ● GlobalPermission object ● GropiusUser object ● IMS object ● IMSIssue object ● IMSIssueTemplate object ● IMSPermission object ● IMSProject object ● IMSProjectTemplate object ● IMSTemplate object ● IMSUser object ● IMSUserTemplate object ● IncomingRelationTypeChangedEvent object ● Interface object ● InterfaceDefinition object ● InterfacePart object ● InterfacePartTemplate object ● InterfaceSpecification object ● InterfaceSpecificationDerivationCondition object ● InterfaceSpecificationTemplate object ● InterfaceSpecificationVersion object ● InterfaceSpecificationVersionTemplate object ● IntraComponentDependencyParticipant object ● IntraComponentDependencySpecification object ● IntraComponentDependencySpecificationType object ● Issue object ● IssueComment object ● IssuePriority object ● IssueRelation object ● IssueRelationType object ● IssueState object ● IssueTemplate object ● IssueType object ● Label object ● NamedAffectedByIssue interface ● NamedAuditedNode interface ● NamedNode interface ● NodePermission interface ● OutgoingRelationTypeChangedEvent object ● ParentTimelineItem interface ● PriorityChangedEvent object ● Project object ● ProjectPermission object ● RelatedByIssueEvent object ● Relation object ● RelationCondition object ● RelationLayout object ● RelationPartner interface ● RelationPartnerLayout object ● RelationPartnerTemplate interface ● RelationTemplate object ● RelationTypeChangedEvent interface ● RemovedAffectedEntityEvent object ● RemovedArtefactEvent object ● RemovedAssignmentEvent object ● RemovedFromPinnedIssuesEvent object ● RemovedFromTrackableEvent object ● RemovedIncomingRelationEvent object ● RemovedLabelEvent object ● RemovedOutgoingRelationEvent object ● RemovedRelationEvent interface ● RemovedTemplatedFieldEvent object ● StateChangedEvent object ● StrokeStyle object ● SubTemplate interface ● SyncPermissionTarget interface ● Template interface ● TemplateChangedEvent object ● TemplatedFieldChangedEvent object ● TimelineItem interface ● TitleChangedEvent object ● Trackable interface ● TypeChangedEvent object ● User interface ● View object