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Input for the updateIMSUser mutation

input UpdateIMSUserInput {
displayName: String
email: String
gropiusUser: ID
id: ID!
templatedFields: [JSONFieldInput!]
username: String


UpdateIMSUserInput.displayName ● String scalar

The new displayName of the User to update ● String scalar

The new email of the User to update

UpdateIMSUserInput.gropiusUser ● ID scalar

The id of the GropiusUser the updated IMSUser is associated with, replaces existing association or removes it if null is provided. ● ID! non-null scalar

The id of the node to update

UpdateIMSUserInput.templatedFields ● [JSONFieldInput!] list input

Values for templatedFields to update

UpdateIMSUserInput.username ● String scalar

The new username of the updated IMSUser

Member of

updateIMSUser mutation