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Input set update the value of a JSON field, like an extension field or a templated field.

input JSONFieldInput {
name: String!
value: JSON

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the field

JSONFieldInput.value ● JSON scalar

The new value of the field

Member of

ArtefactFilterInput input ● ComponentFilterInput input ● ComponentVersionFilterInput input ● CreateIMSUserInput input ● IMSFilterInput input ● IMSIssueFilterInput input ● IMSProjectFilterInput input ● IMSUserFilterInput input ● InterfaceDefinitionFilterInput input ● InterfaceFilterInput input ● InterfacePartFilterInput input ● InterfaceSpecificationFilterInput input ● InterfaceSpecificationVersionFilterInput input ● IssueFilterInput input ● RelationFilterInput input ● RelationPartnerFilterInput input ● UpdateIMSUserInput input