Edit existing auth client
Updates the auth client with the given ID. Only parameter given in the input will be changed.
If redirectUrls
is given, it wil replace all previous URLs.
Merging (if needed) needs to be done by the client.
Path Parameters
The uuid string of an existing auth client
- application/json
The name to set for the auth client.
If given, must be non empty
A list of url strings containing at least one url. These are the URLs the oauth autorize endpoint will redirect back to
Defaults to []
on create
If given, sets the validity flag of the auth client.
Defaults to true
on create
If given, setns the need for the client to authenticate using a secret
Defaults to true
on create
Possible values: [login
, login-register
, backend
, auth
The list of scopes that this client is allowed to request.
Defaults to []
on create
The user to use as subject for the client credential flow.
- 200
- 400
- 404
The auth client was successfully updated
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
The unique ID of this client
The (human readable) name of the auth client to be able to keep track ofit.
Doesn't need to be unique
The list of valid enpoints to redirect the user back to after authentication has finished.
The actual url to use is given in the authorize request and must be included in this list. If none is given, the first one from this list will be used
If this is false
the client is not valid and no authorization, token, ... requests from it should be answered.
If true
requesting a token as this client requires the use
of a client secret accoring to the oauth specification.
If false
client secrets can be present and given but are not required
Possible values: [login
, login-register
, backend
, auth
The list of scopes that this client is allowed to request.
Default value: false
If this client is editable. If not, the client can not be changed or deleted.
"id": "12345678-90ab-cdef-fedc-ab0987654321",
"name": "string",
"redirectUrls": [
"isValid": true,
"requiresSecret": false,
"validScopes": [
"isInternal": false
If the input data didn't match the schema
If no id was given or no auth client with the given id was found