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Jira sync

The Jira sync binary runs cycles scheduled with a default value of 10min. Currently supported are titles, descriptions, comments and labels

Single Execution

Each cycle consists of two parts: Incoming and Outgoing. The incoming phase only syncs data from Jira to gropius while the outgoing phase syncs only from gropius to Jira.


During the Incoming phase the sync first downloads all new events from Jira. These events are immediately added to the MongoDB and the timestamps for the Jira api moved to avoid repeated downloads.

After everything has been downloaded, the missing issues are created and all timeline items inserted into the timelines.


The outgoing phase collects all new issues and timeline items that have no known Jira id and have not been invalidated (e.g. no reopen after close event). These differences are then collected and prepared for submission to Jira.

After all mutations are collected, a final damage control check ensures that the amount of mutations does not exceed a threshold to prevent damage to larger public repositories in case of issues with the sync. Then all of the mutations are executed and the ids of the created issues and timeline items added to the MongoDB.

How to use

When the server side is running, the repos which should be synced have to be set. To mark an IMS to connect to Jira, the sync service creates the Jira IMSTemplate on first run.

This can be used to create an IMS, which requires:

  • the id of an IMSUser owning the token which is then used to query the issues (null until an IMSUser is created for this IMS)
  • and the URL of the REST endpoint of the Jira instance (e.g. https://<Something> for the Cloud Jira) in the appropriate templatedFields.

If using the dev-login-service, the IMSUser is not created automatically and has to be created via request to the internal api (should be port 8081) with the mutation createIMSUser. The username is meaningless, as every user gets the environmentally set token by the dev-login-service. As this requires the IMS to exist this then has to be updated using updateIMS

With the IMS and a Trackable, an IMSProject can be created. Each one requires the repo as object in the appropriate templated field.

These IMSProjects are then synced during each cycle.


For authorization ask the dev login service (http://localhost:3000/) to create an user (lower half) and then generate a token (upper half). The token is returned as pile of dotted base64 as the only content in the side. To use it in the playground (http://localhost:8080/graphiql), you need to paste {"Authorization": "Bearer <Content of second dev-login response>"} in the header part usually on the lower left.

Ensure the environment variable JIRA_DUMMY_EMAIL and JIRA_DUMMY_TOKEN is set to a valid jira token combination

Create Trackable

mutation {
createProject(input: {name: "n", description: "desc"}) {
project {
"data": {
"createProject": {
"project": {
"id": "<Trackable ID>"

Find IMSTemplate

query {
imsTemplates {
nodes {
"data": {
"imsTemplates": {
"nodes": [
"id": "<IMSTemplate ID>"

Create IMS

mutation {
input: {template: "<IMSTemplate ID>", templatedFields: [
{name: "graphql-url", value: "<Some IMSUser>"},
{name: "root-url", value: "https://<Something>"}
], description: "desc", name: "n"}
) {
ims {
"data": {
"createIMS": {
"ims": {
"id": "<IMS ID>"

Create IMSProject

mutation {
input: {ims: "<IMS ID>", trackable: "<Trackable ID>", templatedFields:
{name: "repo", value: "<Some Jira repo>"},
{name: "enable-outgoing", value: true},
{name: "enable-outgoing-labels", value: true},
{name: "enable-outgoing-comments", value: true},
{name: "enable-outgoing-title-changes", value: true},
{name: "enable-outgoing-state", value: true},
) {
imsProject {
"data": {
"createIMSProject": {
"imsproject": {
"id": "<IMS Project ID>"

Create IMSUser (warning: Internal API!!! use http://localhost:8081/graphiql with dev)

mutation {
input: {ims: "<IMS ID>", templatedFields: [], username: "test", displayName: "test"}
) {
imsUser {
"data": {
"createIMSUser": {
"imsuser": {
"id": "<IMSUser ID>"

Update IMS with IMSUser (back in the normal API)

mutation {
input: {id: "<IMS ID>", templatedFields: {name: "read-user", value: "<IMSUser ID>"}}
) {
ims {

Execute sync once or twice

See Result with

query {
projects(first: 100) {
nodes {
issues {
nodes {
timelineItems(last: 100) {
nodes {