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union PublicTimelineItem = AddedAffectedEntityEvent | AddedArtefactEvent | AddedLabelEvent | AddedToPinnedIssuesEvent | AddedToTrackableEvent | Assignment | AssignmentTypeChangedEvent | Body | IncomingRelationTypeChangedEvent | IssueComment | IssueRelation | OutgoingRelationTypeChangedEvent | PriorityChangedEvent | RemovedAffectedEntityEvent | RemovedArtefactEvent | RemovedAssignmentEvent | RemovedFromPinnedIssuesEvent | RemovedLabelEvent | RemovedTemplatedFieldEvent | StateChangedEvent | TemplatedFieldChangedEvent | TitleChangedEvent | TypeChangedEvent

Possible types

PublicTimelineItem.AddedAffectedEntityEvent object

Event representing that an entity is affected by an Issue. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.AddedArtefactEvent object

Event representing that an Artefact was added to an Issue. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.AddedLabelEvent object

Event representing that a Label was added to an Issue. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.AddedToPinnedIssuesEvent object

Event representing that an Issue was pinned on a Trackable. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.AddedToTrackableEvent object

Event representing that the Issue was added to a Trackable. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.Assignment object

Event representing that a User is assigned to an Issue. An Assignment is only active if it is still in assignments on Issue. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.AssignmentTypeChangedEvent object

Event representing that the type of an Assignment changed. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.Body object

Main Body of an Issue. Each Issue has exactly one Body. Keeps track when it was last edited and by who, but does not keep track of the change history. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.IncomingRelationTypeChangedEvent object

Event representing that the type of an incoming IssueRelation changed. READ is granted if READ is granted on issueRelation.

PublicTimelineItem.IssueComment object

Comment on an Issue. Can reference Artefacts. Can be deleted, if deleted, the body is set to an empty String and the referencedComments are cleared. Keeps track when it was last edited and by who, but does not keep track of the change history. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.IssueRelation object

Event representing that a relation between two Issues has been created. An IssueRelation is only active if it is still in outgoingRelations on the issue, respectively in incomingRelations on the relatedIssue. Caution: This is not a subtype of Relation. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.OutgoingRelationTypeChangedEvent object

Event representing that the type of an incoming IssueRelation changed. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.PriorityChangedEvent object

Event representing that the priority of an Issue changed. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.RemovedAffectedEntityEvent object

Event representing that an entity is no longer affected by an Issue. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.RemovedArtefactEvent object

Event representing that an Artefact was removed from an Issue. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.RemovedAssignmentEvent object

Event representing that a User was unassigned from an Issue, meaning an Assignment was removed from an Issue. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.RemovedFromPinnedIssuesEvent object

Event representing that an Issue was unpinned on a Trackable. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.RemovedLabelEvent object

Event representing that a Label was removed from an Issue. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.RemovedTemplatedFieldEvent object

Event representing that a templated field was removed. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.StateChangedEvent object

Event representing that the state of an Issue changed. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.TemplatedFieldChangedEvent object

Event representing that the value of a templated field changed. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.TitleChangedEvent object

Event representing that the title of an Issue changed. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.

PublicTimelineItem.TypeChangedEvent object

Event representing that the type of an Issue changed. READ is granted if READ is granted on issue.