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A project of the Gropius system. Consists of a set of ComponentVersions, which form a graph with the Relations between them. Can be affected by issues. Can have issues, labels and artefacts as this is a Trackable. READ is granted via an associated ProjectPermission.

type Project implements AffectedByIssue, BaseNode, Named, NamedNode, Node, Trackable {
after: String
before: String
filter: IssueFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [IssueOrder!]
skip: Int
): IssueConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: ArtefactFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [ArtefactOrder!]
skip: Int
): ArtefactConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: ComponentVersionFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [ComponentVersionOrder!]
skip: Int
): ComponentVersionConnection!
description: String!
permission: AllPermissionEntry
): Boolean!
id: ID!
after: String
before: String
filter: IssueFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [IssueOrder!]
skip: Int
): IssueConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: LabelFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [LabelOrder!]
skip: Int
): LabelConnection!
name: String!
after: String
before: String
filter: ProjectPermissionFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [ProjectPermissionOrder!]
skip: Int
): ProjectPermissionConnection!
after: String
before: String
filter: IssueFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [IssueOrder!]
skip: Int
): IssueConnection!
repositoryURL: URL
after: String
before: String
filter: IMSProjectFilterInput
first: Int
last: Int
orderBy: [IMSProjectOrder!]
skip: Int
): IMSProjectConnection!


Project.affectingIssues ● IssueConnection! non-null object

The issues which affect this entity

Project.affectingIssues.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Project.affectingIssues.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Project.affectingIssues.filter ● IssueFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Project.affectingIssues.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Project.affectingIssues.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Project.affectingIssues.orderBy ● [IssueOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Project.affectingIssues.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Project.artefacts ● ArtefactConnection! non-null object

Artefacts of this trackable, typically some kind of file.

Project.artefacts.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Project.artefacts.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Project.artefacts.filter ● ArtefactFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Project.artefacts.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Project.artefacts.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Project.artefacts.orderBy ● [ArtefactOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Project.artefacts.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Project.components ● ComponentVersionConnection! non-null object

The ComponentVersions this consists of.

Project.components.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Project.components.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Project.components.filter ● ComponentVersionFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Project.components.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Project.components.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Project.components.orderBy ● [ComponentVersionOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Project.components.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Project.description ● String! non-null scalar

The description of this entity.

Project.hasPermission ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Checks if the current user has a specific permission on this Node

Project.hasPermission.permission ● AllPermissionEntry enum

The permission to check for ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique id of this node

Project.issues ● IssueConnection! non-null object

The set of Issues which are part of this Trackable. An Issue has to be part of a Trackable to use the Labels and Artefacts defined by the Trackable.

Project.issues.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Project.issues.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Project.issues.filter ● IssueFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Project.issues.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Project.issues.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Project.issues.orderBy ● [IssueOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Project.issues.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Project.labels ● LabelConnection! non-null object

The set of Labels which can be added to issues of this trackable.

Project.labels.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Project.labels.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Project.labels.filter ● LabelFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Project.labels.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Project.labels.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Project.labels.orderBy ● [LabelOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Project.labels.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored ● String! non-null scalar

The name of this entity.

Project.permissions ● ProjectPermissionConnection! non-null object

Permissions for this Project.

Project.permissions.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Project.permissions.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Project.permissions.filter ● ProjectPermissionFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Project.permissions.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Project.permissions.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Project.permissions.orderBy ● [ProjectPermissionOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Project.permissions.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Project.pinnedIssues ● IssueConnection! non-null object

Issues which are pinned to this trackable, subset of issues.

Project.pinnedIssues.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Project.pinnedIssues.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Project.pinnedIssues.filter ● IssueFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Project.pinnedIssues.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Project.pinnedIssues.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Project.pinnedIssues.orderBy ● [IssueOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Project.pinnedIssues.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored

Project.repositoryURL ● URL scalar

If existing, the URL of the repository (e.g. a GitHub repository).

Project.syncsTo ● IMSProjectConnection! non-null object

IMSProjects this Trackable is synced to and from.

Project.syncsTo.after ● String scalar

Get only items after the cursor

Project.syncsTo.before ● String scalar

Get only items before the cursor

Project.syncsTo.filter ● IMSProjectFilterInput input

Filter for specific items in the connection

Project.syncsTo.first ● Int scalar

Get the first n items. Must not be used if before is specified

Project.syncsTo.last ● Int scalar

Get the last n items. Must not be used if after is specified

Project.syncsTo.orderBy ● [IMSProjectOrder!] list input

Order in which the items are sorted

Project.syncsTo.skip ● Int scalar

Skips n items. First or last MUST be specified, is otherwise ignored


AffectedByIssue interface

Entities that can be affected by an Issue, meaning that this entity is in some regard impacted by e.g. a bug described by an issue, or the non-present of a feature described by an issue.

BaseNode interface

Shared extensions to the node type.

Named interface

Entity with a name and a description.

NamedNode interface

Node with a name and description

Node interface

Base class of all nodes

Trackable interface

An entity which can have Issues, Labels and Artefacts. Has pinned issues. Can be synced to an IMS by creating an IMSProject. Can be affected by Issues.

Returned by

searchProjects query

Member of

ProjectConnection object ● ProjectEdge object