Managing the Project

Development server

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 9.1.12. Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Project structure

Have a look at the routing module to get a nice overview of the primary components of the app.

Aspect Code
App Layout FrameComponent
Graph GraphsModule, look at the declarations
Project Context StateService
Account Management and Auth with Backend LoginComponent, RegisterComponent, AuthenticationService, AuthGuard
Apollo GraphQL Client Setup GraphQLModule
Type Definitions for Data from Backend
Helper Objects for Queries & Mutations
All of this is output of code generator

Documentation generation

The documentation is generated with Compodoc. Run npm run compodocfor a documentation server. Navigate to http://localhost:6060/. The documentation will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. The configuration for the documentation is managed in tsconfig.doc.json.

Code quality

Code quality concerns are handled with ESLint and code formatting concerns with Prettier. The Prettier code formatter is integrated in the ESLint configuration. Run ng lint --fix for a static code analysis and code formatting of all files except the ones excluded in .eslintignore.

Bindings to the Backend API

The app uses GraphQL to communicate with the backend. The following documentation will assume you are familiar with the CCIMS backend API.

There are currently two different APIs for communicating with the backend:

data API

The data API provides simple wrappers around the inner GraphQL queries (e.g. ComponentStoreService) that can be included into any Angular class using dependency injection. Graphql source files are located in the data directory, subdivided by the entities they pertain to (components, issues, etc.)

Refer to the code documentation for the handler of each entity type for more information.

It is not recommended that you use the data API for new code, as it has several drawbacks:

  • Queries do not have any granularity: a lot of list queries will fetch all items in that list at once, without any pagination. A lot of node queries will fetch the node and all of its child nodes used in the GUI, often every time the GUI control accessing the data is created.
  • Updates to data in one area (e.g. changing the name of a component) are not propagated to other areas. This is, however, sort of canceled out by the fact that data is reloaded every time.

data-dgql API

The declarative data API attempts to improve upon the data API by introducing following new concepts:

  • DataNode: a shared, cached view into a node, agnostic of where the data was loaded from. Data may be loaded by lists, parent nodes, or queries about the node itself. All subscribers to the node (such as GUI components) can see the data and any updates simultaneously. Viewers will cause data to be loaded by default, but can be configured to prefer cached data (with subscribeLazy - useful when data has already been loaded by a DataList).
  • DataList: a view into a list that makes use of pagination and provides an interface for server-side filtering. Lists will automatically load data into the corresponding DataNode of each item.
  • DataQuery: a superclass of both DataNode and DataList that contains common methods.
  • DataService: a single injectable that provides access to all data. Data is accessed using NodeIds and ListIds.
  • NodeId: DataNodes are identified by a Node ID, which is a backend ID with a type tag.
  • ListId: The specific list a DataList will provide a view into is identified by a List ID. List IDs are a NodeId with a list type tag (e.g. "the list of issues (type) in component abcdef (node)").

Also see the code documentation for more information.

Code generation from .graphql files

We use a code generator ( to create typescript classes from .graphql files containing queries and mutations. The code generator generates one Angular service class per query/mutation. These can then be included using dependency injection. These objects make it easy to parameterize the mutations and queries and invoke them in typescript code. You should, however, never need to use the GraphQL queries directly, as abstractions are provided in data and data-dgql.

When you change .graphql files you have to rerun the code generator. It will update the files in src/generated to match the changes in the .graphql files. :warning: The backend has to be running with debugNoLogin set to true to make the backend schema definition accessible to the generator via the urls defined in the codegen configuration file.
Run npm run generate to execute the code generator when this condition is met.

Mocked Members Page

Every project offers a mocked 'Members' page. It shows a list of users in the project and offers a dialog to add users. However this area is purely a mock, changes are not persisted and there are no other users who really have access to your project.

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